Optimo Fitness Ergonomics are specially designed grips to enhance your way of gripping. These “cool tools” can be used on pretty much any regular Barbell, Dumbbell and/or cable attachments. They do even work with cambered bars! In this article you will learn about these special grips and why I have them in my “special grip training toolbox”.

Optimo Fitness Ergonomics – the better grip?

Ok, if you follow my blog you will have noticed, that I am kind of obsessed with gripping devices. Why? Because, speaking from the perspective of a Strength and Conditioning Coach,  there are two things that are heavily neglected, Neck- and Grip-Training! 

If you want to learn more about thick grip implements and other special stuff, please feel free to read the following articles:

So why another pair of grips, you ask? Well, why not?! Too much cool grip implements are never enough! Progression is one of the keys to success. For me training must be fun, too, and I get bored very fast.

That’s why I need lots of “cool tools”, especially grip tools to keep my training diversified. Furthermore, having lots of grips in your “gym-toolbox” is very space-saving. You don’t need lots of space and can take your grips, like the Optimo Grips, wherever you go.

They  come in a nice mini-gym bag, really to “hit the road/gym” with you whenever you need a pump.

Optimo grips, source: own picture.

Optimo Fitness Ergonomics – Where’s the difference?

At last, now the question arises what the “fuzz” is all about these particular grips. Well, from my point of view, they’re not intended to be “fat grip” implements. That means, that they’re not designed to thicken the diameter of a bar, but to make the grip more ergonomic!

Ha ha ha, you will probably laugh. Isn’t that obvious? As their name is “Optimo”?! Well, hold your breath as we now dig into the meaning of ergo/nomic and the question WHAT “optimal” is supposed to be!

Let’s start with the etymology (word origin) of the word ergo/nomic. Everybody probably “knows” what the term ergonomic describes but could you give an actual definition?

If not, hang in there. I’ll help you out! The term ergo/nomic derives from Greek ergon = Work, act(ion), activity; and the Greek suffix nomos = custom/rite, law, act, statute (Becher et al., 1995).

Having decrypted this term, we now know that ergonomic, literally translated”, means something like “work that is done according to statutes”.

In the sense of gripping it means that a handle (Optimo Grips) is designed to properly work in “alignment” of the shape of your hands.

To put it in other words: the Optimo Grips are not only cylindrically shaped, but instead have little “wings” in order to enhance your gripping. A proper way of gripping, so to speak.

Optimo Grips on a dumbbell, source: Optimo Fitness Ergonomics.

Optimo Fitness Ergonomics – Let’s do some functional anatomy

To understand the benefit the Optimo Grips might bring to you and your training, we have to do a brief bound in anatomy.

Actually the muscles of the hand are quite numerous. Not a wonder as they have to perform a myriad of functions, especially when it comes to fine-motor skills!

Anyhow, I’d like to stick to the K.I.S.S.-Principle, Keep It Short and Simple. I also work in Germany as a “Heilpraktiker” (Complementary and alternative medicine practitioner).

Quite a unique thing that allows me (with restrictions) to diagnose and treat diseases, do invasive stuff like injections, infusions etc.

I’m writing that to show you that I have extensive knowledge in human anatomy and that this article is not written by a 15 year old “keyboard-hero” who just invested 5 minutes into some internet “copy and paste clickbait” crap.

According to my expertise – and practical implementation of them “out of the trenches”, the Optimo grips give you a cutting edge advantage when it comes to a more…let’s say “stable” grip.

How to use toe Optimo Grips, source: Optimo Fitness Ergonomics.

How does that work, you ask? Well it works by the little “wings” the grips have. These “wings” broaden the grips which results in proper support, especially of these structures, at least according to my point of view:

  • M. palmaris brevis
  • M. adductor digiti minimi
  • M. flexor digiti minimi
  • Aponeurosis palmaris (not sure)

So, according to my expertise that’s the “fuzz” of the Optimo grips and what distinguishes them from other grip implements out there!

To be honest, at first I was really sceptical and my impression was: “wow, they’re really flexible!” (compared to other grip implements, like Cone- and/or Fat Gripz).

After having tested them for quite some extensive time and with several barbells, dumbbells, and different other cable attachments I come to the resume that they do really work great!

Even on a cambered “Buffalo Bar” they perform very well.

Conclusion Optimo Fitness Ergonomics

Of course all my articles  have a conclusion in which I answer the most important question of all: “Are they worth the investment?”, and: “Should you buy a pair?” As you probably know there’s a difference between value and a price so I skip an explanation here.

Due to the fact that I am a huge grip training fan I’d say that these grips were an absolute investment. Moreover, they are very pricy. A pair of Optimos is sold for $39,95.

I highly recommend you to get a pair and enhance your “gym-toolbox” for more variety and to prevent you from stagnation.

In addition to that, as mentioned before, you probably will also experience a better support of your hand muscles, especially during pressing movements.

The muscles that are better supported, in comparison to cylindrical grips, are: M. palmaris brevis, M. adductor digiti minimi and the M. flexor digiti minimi.

If you like to book an online consulting with me to learn more about strength and conditioning, nutrition etc. please feel free to send me an E-Mail to:


© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.

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Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 76.

Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 147.

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