ShouldeRök™️ is a mace, respectively gada-like mobility and strength-tool, developed by Chris Duffin, from Kabuki Strength. I emphasize mace/gada-like, as it is one of a kind when it comes to usability, design, and quality!

To ShouldeRök™️ or not to ShouldeRök™️ ? That’s your question? In this article I‘ll tell you why you definitely should ShouldeRök™️ and how it may benefit you in different ways and sports!

All the info in this article focuses on the use of the ShouldeRök™️ by Kabuki Strength, no matter if you either like to use the tactical version or the standard one!

What is a (Tactical) ShouldeRök™️? – An unusual deconstructing approach!

I really do have a big liking for Latin and Greek terms in medicine. Maybe that‘s because I  also work as what is called a “Heilpraktiker” in Germany.

A literal translation would be “heal practitioner”, but a more appropriate could be “complementary and alternative medicine practitioner” (CAM practitioner).

To get a deeper understanding for what a “Tactical ShouldeRök™️”actually is we should dive a little bit into the meaning of the term itself.

As well as the (Tactical) ShouldeRök™️” is a strength and mobility tool, language is a tool, too. So what both things share in common is, that they can be deconstructed and that you should better know how to use them properly!

Due to that we’re going to start with an actual definition of the term “Tactical Shoulde(r)|Rök”.

The adjective “tactical”, which derives from Greek tattein = to deploy, to erect, to mount sth., in file; respectively the adjective tactical comes from Greek taktikos = to arrange something, skilled, to collocate(Becher et al., 1995).

The Tactical-ShouldeRök™️ comes in a nice carrying case.

The term “shoulder” – of course – describes the lateral parts of your upper body which connect your arms with your trunk.

The shoulder is one of the most agile joints in your body. It is composed of several joints between the bony parts of the shoulder blade, the upper arm and the clavicle. The shoulder’s characteristic shape is above all conferred by the muscle parts of the deltoid muscle.

Being one of the most flexible joints in the human body it is kept in shape and moved by a complex system of different muscles (including the rotator cuff). Due to the large range of motion and the small bony joint surfaces, the shoulder joint is also very vulnerable to injuries.

Since all nerves and blood vessels of the arms run through the shoulder area, shoulder injuries can also lead to pain and functional restrictions (i.e. adhesions, trigger points etc.) of the upper extremity that can lead to structural imbalances and so on.

That’s where proper shoulder training comes into play! Not only whether you are performing on a world elite level of strength training or if you simply want to be a strong mind living in a strong and healthy body!

After having deconstructed the origins of “tactical” and “shoulder” there is only one missing “stone”, the “Rök”. According to Wikipedia:

The Rök runestone (Swedish: Rökstenen (…) is one of the most famous runestones, featuring the longest known runic inscription in stone. (…) It is considered the first piece of written Swedish literature and thus it marks the beginning of the history of Swedish literature”.

The benevolent reader may forgive me my supreme attention to detail but I mentioned earlier being in love with Latin and Greek terms in medicine. Furthermore, when it comes to such an outstanding product like the ShouldeRök™️ I like to pay attention to every little detail!

ShouldeRök™️ – Painkiller or Vitamin?

Now that we have verbally deconstructed all the parts of the ShouldeRök™️ we get a first but already good intention what it was designed for. It‘s not an ancient wizardry but – from my holistic point of view as a strength coach and CAM practitioner –  a true cornerstone for proper shoulder health.

Is it THE best tool for healthy shoulders? Will it cure all your preexisting shoulder issues/injuries? Of course not, don‘t be foolish! There is no such thing as THE best tool, nor will it cure al your shoulder problems, especially if used willy-nilly.

If you ask me, and you kind of do so as you‘re reading my article, I would state that the ShouldeRök™️ acts rather like a “Vitamin” than a “Painkiller”. If you are suffering from serious shoulder pain due to wear and tear, trauma etc. you should first consult a physician before using even the best tool!

When you are looking for a way to build “bullet proof” shoulders, if you are in a rehabilitation/prehab-phase, if you want to efficiently train muscles of your rotator cuffs and shoulders you have never heard and thought of, well THEN you should use a tactical approach, with the ShouldeRök™️!

Deconstructing the use of the ShouldeRök™️!

Where do I see the big benefits of this “cool tool”?

In a nutshell: I use it with patients, clients and athletes to build/increase proper muscular balance and strength in the shoulder girdle, as well as all the muscles that are involved in the movement, too. These are foremost the upper pectoralis muscles, rotator cuff, the arms and the upper back.

Of course there is always the debate concerning a certain exercise to be “sport specific” and/or if it is useful to integrate it in an athletes routine. After having worked not only with a special crowd of self-defense (Krav Maga) practitioners I can tell you that the ShouldeRök™️ definitely IS sport specific but can also be applied in general physical preparation (GPP)!

Now you might ask: “Why is that the case?”. Well on the one side it‘s the unique and transferable movement itself (that makes it sport specific), which we will look at in detail in a moment and on the other hand it is the ability to holistically strengthen your shoulder girdle.

Here you can see a rear view of the swinging movement using the ShouldeRök™️.

You might also wonder: “Cool, Bernd but when in real life do I need to swing a rod with a weight around my head?”. Well, actually you don’t but what you need to do, when it comes to self-defense techniques is the strength and power to release you i.e. from an attack from behind!

That’s where the sport specific component of the ShouldeRök™️ comes into play! Think of this scenario, you are getting attacked from behind, i.e. being chocked, by a taller, much stronger opponent. What are you going to do? Stand there and wait for being faded out?!

Well of course you must have a plan how to react in this special scenario but what you also must have is some decent strength to reach besides or over your head and defend yourself!

So that is exactly a “real life” scenario where you have to apply force, strength and power while reaching over/behind your head and simultaneously gripping and pulling something. And you should better be fast…and strong!

If you deconstruct such movements you surely can train all your muscles that are involved in such a movement. You can do i.e. pull-overs or reverse flies, rows, whatsoever.

But you also need to train a dynamic swinging movement, involving all kinds of weighted rotations. Boom, that‘s where you get a tactical approach with the ShouldeRök™️, regardless if you use the Tactical Rök or the normal one.

Having worked with Krav Maga people for a couple of years now and being a Krav Maga student myself I can tell you how much I see a benefit of introducing the Rök to our training.

There are tons of techniques that involve deflecting attacks from various stands. Whether being already in a fighting position or form a standing position. It‘s grabbing, deflecting, punching on so one.

Literally everything that involves defending and/or attacking with your upper extremities also involves a body defense. That means moving your trunk AND moving your arms.

Strength is never a weakness! So in order to defend yourself you‘d better be strong. Not necessarily big, but strong!

Of course the use of the Rök is by all means not limited to Krav Maga. I’d say that you can apply it to probably any kind of self-defense technique, Martial Art and for all people working in law enforcement!

Should “Average Joe” use a ShouldeRök™️?

To make a long story short: yes, but with some restrictions! Ok, having told you about my example of how to implement the ShouldeRök™️ into Sport Specific Training I will also give you my view how I use it with non-athletes in general physical preparation (GPP).

Living in a society that has to deal with a more and more monotonous lifestyle the ShouldeRök™️ is – from my point of view – a really helpful tool to break free!

What is weak and rigid, that breaks or how we say in German: “wer rastet, der rostet” which means: “the one who rests, gets rusty”!

ShouldeRök™️, use it or lose it. Invest in healthy shoulders.

Let‘s face it, people nowadays are doing jobs where they are sitting all day long. They are sitting while having breakfast, while driving to work, being at work, sitting at lunch, sitting while driving home….just to sit again, while having dinner and while doing “Netflix and Chill”.

Well, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing bad with sitting itself, but it is that overstressed “sterno-symphysial” posture people tend to perform all day long. Holding a steering wheel, typing on a computer keyboard, watching down on a cellphone/tablet etc.

All sorts of things that will not only give you bad posture but also make you “bow to your phone”, enslaving you to “helpful” gadgets.

You bow down to social media etc. While doing that you give away your inner strength. I mean, how can you supposed to be a strong character if you look like the hunchback Quasimodo?!

Unless you don‘t want to get casted as the Hunchback of Notre Dame, you better start working on a strong posture. That‘s where I apply the ShouldeRök™️ with my non athletes clients/patients. The classical office worker, clerk and so one.

First of all the huge benefit of working out with the Rök is that you must perform the exercise while standing. As mentioned above people are simply sitting too much, resulting them in weak gluteus muscles and weak shoulder girdles with especially shi**y external rotation capabilities.

So, if those “average clients/patients” go to a gym, what do they tend to do? Sure, they choose exercises where they can sit! The cool thing though about the Rök is, that you cannot perform the exercise while sitting…well I have learned to never say never as I have seen lots of stupidity in the gym. But, at least you should not perform the exercise while sitting.

That leads us back to an important point, no matter if athlete or not, posture! Just being an elite athlete doesn‘t mean you do an elite training!

While performing the Rök-Swings you have to stand in an upright position, while keeping your core as stable as possible. I also highly recommend my students to only work out with the ShouldeRök™️ while either being barefoot or wearing proper shoes with flat soles.

From my expertise wearing modern training shoes will decrease the efficiency of the work with the Rök to quite some extend!

If you want to learn more about how to strengthen your posture you can check out my articles on one of my blogs (

As mentioned above, I also use the ShouldeRök™️ with my rehabilitation patients. The only restriction I would make is if someone has severe contraindications of doing weighted rotations with his shoulders.

So to speak these are (from my expertise): acute/silent trauma (physical/psychological), rupture or partly ruptured tissues in the shoulder girdle, severe shoulder pain of unknown origin, severe cartilage damage, short post operation time and inadequate post operation recovery time and too much scar tissue that has to be removed/softened to enhance flexibility.

If someone hast inappropriate flexibility in the shoulders/rotator cuffs I would recommend integrating the ShouldeRök™️ AFTER having done appropriate soft tissue work, like using Gua Sha, a Heskiers Tool, Acupressure/Acupuncture, Frequency Specific Microcurrent or whatever technique you are skilled in or have access to. Consult a good therapist if you need such treatment!

The ShouldeRök™️ is built to last!

Let’s finally talk about the quality of this piece of equipment. It was my first training tool I got from Kabuki Strength so I was a bit curious if it really puts into practice what it “preaches” online.

Let me tell you, it definitely does! Just like the Rök Runestone, the ShouldeRök™️ is built to last!

I chose the Tactical SholdeRökÔ as I like to travel to clients from time to time and with the cool carry case the 2,5lbs plate and the parts of the Rök are nicely stored and ready to hit the road.

Besides the fact, that the tactical version can be deconstructed in two pieces there is no difference to the “one piece version”.

What I like is that you can use 50mm Olympic Plates with the Rök (a Kabuki Strength labeled 2,5lbs plate already comes with the Tactical Rök) and that you can also use its one end as kind of fascia/soft tissue tool for either working on your own trigger points or on those of clients.  

What else can I say concerning the quality? Well, the finish looks really “bad a**”, (I do have a black oxide version), the knurling is pretty strong to ensure a good grip. You just can feel the love and, like we say in German, “Herzblut” (“heart blood”) they put into this unique piece of equipment!

Conclusion – ShouldeRök™️, the Master of the Universe?(h2)

The ShouldeRök™️ is so much more than an ordinary Macebell or Gada. It’s much more like He-Man‘s sword that metaphorically might help you transform from the cheesy Prinz Adam from Eternia into He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe…just in case you are willing to protect castle Grey Skull form the evil forces of Skeletor 😉

Working out with the ShouldeRök™️ brings back my childhood memory of watching epic Filmation Cartoons, like He-Man!

Unlike He-Man, who only shared his secret with the Sorceress, Man at Arms and Orko, I’m sharing my experience working with the Rök on myself, athletes as well as non-athletes with you all.

Unless clients/patients suffer from some severe condition (see mentioned examples above) I strongly believe that the integration of the ShouldeRök™️ will improve strength, enhance flexibility, strengthen your core and (if done properly) even might enhance your breathing patterns.

More about breathing can be read in my article: “The Oxygen Advantage®”.

With the purchase of a ShouldeRök™️ you do not only get what you pay for (obviously a ShouldeRök™️) but also get granted access to some extra in depth training videos that are not available for public!

Furthermore you have the option to “upgrade” your Rök by purchasing a so called “MyoRök”. An “Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization-Tool” (IASTM).

This IASTM tool is made of high-quality surgical steel (stainless steel) and is used (not only) by professional therapists to loosen fascial structures. The fascial “soft tissue” tissue is mobilized.

I’m really keen on getting this cool upgrade for my own Rök!

I’d like to finish my article with my opening and once again answer the question:

“Should you ShouldeRök™️ ?” Yes, you should, as it’s an investment in yourself! As well as for general physical preparation and for specialized physical prepation. Think of it: you invest once, and profit for a lifetime! Get tactical!

The Tactical-Shoulderök™️ comes with a 2,5 lbs (1m25kg) plate form Kabuki Strength.

© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.

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Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 220.

Gustafson, Alrik, Svenska litteraturens historia, 2 volums (Stockholm, 1963). First published as A History of Swedish Literature (American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1961). Chapter 1. Forntid och medeltid, Lönnroth, in Lönnroth, Göransson, Delblanc, Den svenska litteraturen, vol 1.Rök runestone, source:, access: 09.02.20.

Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training (affiliate link) is a book by Michael Yessis Ph.D., that was first published in 1987. About 21 years later this treasure chest of former U.S.S.R. training techniques received an update with addendums of every chapter. Even 30 years after the cold war this book is still hot and drops some massive “knowledge bombs” on every reader! In order to be a good trainer you should stay up to date to recent research. To be a fantastic trainer, who wants to stay ahead of the game, you should also pause and reflect what was done in the past! There is barely anything new in strength training. Therefore I highly recommend you to read this timeless piece of knowledge that can still be implied into today’s training!

Of course it’s hard to narrow all the knowledge of over 300 pages down to only 3000+ words, so please bear that in mind. This article is intended to get you curious to everything you might additionally learn from Dr. Yessis’ book!

Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training – From Russia with Strength

In 1987 it probably was “I spy with my little eye”, when it came to Russian training methods for elite lifters preparing for Olympia.

After the “iron curtain” (great pun) was torn down and almost everybody has access to the world wide web you might ask if there still are Russian “secrets” in terms of strength training…

Well, although you won’t get persuaded by the KGB anymore and besides the fact that there’s no “iron curtain” anymore there is still an “iron game” and as you know you should strike the iron while it’s hot. Let me tell you, even after over 30 years this treasure chest of strength training is still hot as hell!

Let’s reveal a few of the secrets you can find in this book by taking a look at the updated version of the book from 2008:

  • How you can benefit from Soviet Sports Techniques
  • The Role of Sports in the Soviet Union
  • Soviet Sports Research: What It Has Taught The Russians
  • The latest Training Innovations: how they can help you
  • Speed-Strength Training: A new Soviet Breakthrough
  • Maximizing your fitness potential: From Running to Water Sports
  • The Soviet science of Sports Psychology
  • Nutritional guidelines for improving Performance
  • Making the most of Soviet restorative measures
  • Drugs in the Soviet sports system
  • What’s on the horizon?
  • About the author

Over 300 pages of well proven tools and techniques the former Soviet Union used to produce myriads of the finest athletes in history.

The chapters in Dr. Yessis’ book are by no means fairytales form “Mother Russia”, nor are they only anecdotal!

First of all you will encounter lots of the famous Athletes/Coaches from the former USSR, i.e. Dr. Anatoly Bondarchuk , Yuri Verkhoshansky, or Vladimir Issurin, just to name a few.

I first heard about Bondarchuk during a seminar of my mentor Charles R. Poliquin (R.I.P.) who was also known as “Strength Sensei”. Charles told us about the “Bondarchuk Rule”.

According to that there are three types of athletes:

  1. The ones who best respond to volume
  2. Those who thrive on intensity
  3. The ones who benefit most from variation

How you can benefit from Soviet Sports Techniques

The first chapter of “Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training” starts with the difference between American and USSR (now Russian) Athletes, respectively their attitude towards how to approach sportiness itself.

You will learn how Russians empathized the teaching of skills from an early age on but also – in contrast to many misbelieves – saw to it that their youngsters had especially fun, instead of a strict performance oriented approach towards sports!  

Dr. Yessis also writes about the difference between pure training for strength and the integration and importance of technique for young athletes. Whereas the Americans foremost tried to produce stronger and stronger athletes, the Russians focused on technique as well.

Chapter one also introduces two important training methods, when it comes to periodization: The Generals Physical Preparation (GPP) and the Specialized Physical Preparation (SPP).

You will learn why the Russians probably have one of he largest body of scientific research on the training of athletes in the world but why even to this day only a fraction is applied by trainers and coaches in the West.

The Role of Sports in the Soviet Union

I think the biggest takeaway of Chapter 2 is the explanation for the Russian Sports dominance (in comparison to the USA) as they developed a training approach called “Conjugate Training”(CT). Let me explain briefly for those who are not familiar with this training technique:

First of all “con/jugate” derives from Latin cum (con) = with, togetherand Latin iungere = to connect, bring together (Becher et al., 1995). So literally translated “conjugate” means “ with a connection” or “something that is brought together”.

According to that, Conjugate Training is the combination of special strength and explosiveness exercises for experienced trainees. CT mimics the movements performed during an actual competition and is also technique oriented as solely a strength maximizing technique.

Therefore special exercises are performed, most likely a “specific key joint action” (Yessis), that resembles the movement of the body during competition, with proper technique and adequate amount of speed (i.e. 0,15-0,20 seconds).

To get the most “bang for your buck” two reasonable exercise have to be combined (a strength exercise followed by an explosive exercise) and they have to:

 “(…) duplicate the same action seen in execution of the sports skill. It’s not simply the coupling of any two exercises; they must overlap in their effect” (Yessis, 2008).

A modern approach of CT is propagated by the famous powerlifter Lou Simmons and his “Westside Barbell”. According to them:

The Westside conjugate system is the best of two advanced training systems: the Soviet system, where several special exercises are used to advance the training of superior lifters and athletes, and the Bulgarian system, where near-max lifts are performed every workout. The Westside system is a combination of the two”. (Westide Barbell, 2020).

Soviet Sports Research: What It Has Taught The Russians

Chapter three and its addendum will give you an idea of Russian sports research. How this knowledge not only came from universities but also “out of the trenches”. A combination of two worlds.

Lots of lecturers at Soviet/Russian universities have always been former athletes, like Dr. Bondarchuk or Verkohansky! Lots of Bondarchuk’s work can be read in depth in his books, like “Transfer of Training” (affiliate link).

Again you find the principle of “conjugate training” but in another field. The Russians didn’t refuse (like lots of US universities did) to integrate knowledge from athletes. They integrated their feedback and combined it with “cutting edge” science from university research!

According to Dr. Yessis, American universities try to stick to old fashioned programs, just because it’s “in the book” instead of integrating practical knowledge from the field.

Moreover their research probands are most likely non athletes, which will make an impact on the results of studies. According to that, Yessis writes that:

In many cases, the research can be considered “research for the sake of research”, rather than research to learn something new and different or to resolve a particular problem”.

The newest Training Innovations: how they can help you

In a nutshell, Chapter 4’s biggest “secret” is the explanation of Russian Training from a systemically point of view. This Chapter deals with Periodization, GPP and SPP.

Of course I’m not revealing every detail from Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training (Affiliate) but I’ll tell you that you will get an insight how the Russians use periodization and the integration of other sports to get better in their own particular sport.

For example: Dr. Yessis writes how a national volleyball team came to America to face their American opponents. In order to prepare for the game in the evening they spend the afternoon, playing soccer performing deep jumps, squats jumps lunges major hops etc.

This shows how the Russians thought “outside of the box”.

Anecdotal approach: You can apply the Russian’s approach, i.e. if you’re trying to get stronger in bench pressing. Stop bench pressing for a while and focus on your structural balance.

Concentrate on improving your overhead press, as this tends to lag behind. Your overhead press (Behind the neck) should be 66% of your flat bench press.

When it comes to Periodization the Russian split up their year in 4 periods:

  • General Preparatory Period
  • Specialized Preparatory Period
  • Competitive Period
  • Transitional Period

Each period had its own special exercises and different volume. For further details I highly recommend reading Dr. Yessis’ book!

Speed-Strength Training: A new Soviet Breakthrough

In 1987 when the first edition of the book was published “Speed-Strength Training” seemed to be some silly approach to US coaches, as they rather stuck to the a rigid mindset. According to Dr. Yessis’ book they thought that “ a lot strength helps a lot” and that “more strength will help the most”…

Meanwhile in Russia something different was figured out. The connection between Speed and Strength. In regard to that, getting stronger, means simultaneously slowing down as your body, respectively your central nervous system (CNS) learns slowness!

According to that Dr. Yessis writes: “Thus, there must be a cutoff point, after which the athlete moves from strength into explosiveness training” (Yessis, 2008). This leads us back to the already mentioned CT (see summary of Chapter 2).

It seems to be essential to build strength in the first place (as a solid foundation) but while progressing in “training age” you have to switch to, respectively integrate speed training as well!

This, again leads us back to Periodization (see summary of Chapter 4). R

Reading Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training (affiliate link) shows you how to think in principles! You will get an in depth insight on how the Soviets/Russians applied their principles and how you can, too…as long as you start thinking in principles!

Maximizing your Fitness Potential: From Running to Water Sports

My biggest takeaway of Chapter 6 was the major difference between US and USSR-Athletes. Whereas the first seemed to “play their sport in order to get in shape” the latter “get in shape to play their sport” (Yessis, 2008).

Another fascinating thing that made me chuckle, was a paragraph in Chapter 6 about Track and Field. In this segment Dr. Yessis writes about how to improve in sprints, respectively in running.

He cites Dr. Mann who concluded that: “elite runners do not fully extend their legs (…) they run in a more upright position than their slower counterparts” (Yessis, 2008). I said it made me chuckle as I immediately thought of Tom Cruise, running in his movies.

You might think of Cruise what you want, but when it comes to death-defying stunts he probably is the greatest daredevil you might have seen on the big screen (except maybe for Evil Knievel).

Next time you watch a Tom Cruise movie pay close attention to biomechanics and his way of running! He ultimately applies what has been done by Soviet Track and Field athletes! Cruise stays almost perfectly perpendicular to the ground while running (instead of leaning forward)!

His arms are bent in a 90° angle and he’s doing rather short strokes! Therefore he doesn’t fully extend his legs while running but seems to rather keep them at an angle of approximately 165° to 170°.

Did Cruise read Dr. Yessis book? I don’t know, but I think Tom is a good example if you like to get an idea of what was done in Track and Field during the Cold War.

Maybe, that’s why Cruise aka “Etahan Hunt” works for the Impossible Mission Force (IMF) and you actually can see him running away from an explosion of the Kreml in Mission Impossible: Phantom Protocol. 😉

Funny marginalia: According to an article of Vanity Fair the success of a Tom Cruise movie is direct proportional to the amount of time he’s running in his movies! (Vanity Fair, 2018).

The Soviet Science of Sports Psychology

When it comes to sports is it really only physical performance that matters? Which role do your thoughts play? Does winning or losing start in your consciousness? Is it rather a mental game that you are playing against an opponent or against yourself?

These are questions that inevitable arise when it comes to sports performance, no matter if you’re a “weekend-warrior” or if you’re performing on a world class level!

In Chapter 7 you will get a glimpse of how the Soviets/Russians dealt with athletes’ pre game excitement, fear, anxiety, intimidation and other stressors that could arguably influence their performance on a competition day!

You will learn about auto-conditioning, meditation techniques and how it is possible to optimize breathing for concentration.

If you like to “aspirate” more about  proper breathing techniques for training, feel free to read my article The Oxygen Advantage®. I’m a certified Oxygen Advantage Instructor!

It is a special nasal breathing technique originally developed by a Russian medical Doctor named Buyteko, transferred into the world of physical training and performance enhancement by Irishman Patrick McKeown.

According to Sports Psychology you will also get to know that music may play a great influence on athletic performance and which was used by Eastern-bloc athletes i.e. to produce positive feelings and attitudes to enhance an athlete’s mood and wellbeing.

Nutritional Guidelines for Improving Performance

In Chapter 8 Dr. Yessis writes about nutritional protocols the Soviets used. The Chapter starts with the sentence: “You are what you eat” (Yessis, 1987). That’s one of the things in the book I disagree on. From my perspective you are NOT what you eat, but what you can ABSORB!

So, to get me right, I have nothing against the mentioned protocols and recommendations of the book but from my point of view, working as a Personal-Trainer/Strength Coach and “Heilpraktiker” (complementary and alternative medicine practitioner) I tell you that even the “best” food will do nothing for you if you’re not able to absorb and digest it properly!

Yessis writes that: “Carbohydrates are the basic source of energy that permits muscles to remain active. In fact, certain tissues such as nerves can obtain their energy only from carbohydrates” (Yessis, 1987).

I would like to add something to this statement as research clearly shows that there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate! Even if you stick to a ketogenic diet, where your main source of energy derives from fats and protein the body has the ability to switch to “gluconeogenesis”. A state in which he converts ketones into sugar to fuel the brain!

In addition to that you will also find in Yessis’ book that Russians seemed to thrive on butter being one of the most easily assimilatable fats! That is still true today even that you have options like MCT-Oils (affiliate link) or native Coconut-Oils (affiliate link) available today which might be absorbed even faster.

A thing that really stuck out in Chapter 8 for me was that even decades ago the Russian recognized that “bulking phases” are merely a nonsense. Gaining weight, just to gain weight isn’t beneficial as you simply accumulate fat.

Excessive fat will “castrate” males, you are feminizing yourself. Testosterone levels will drop, Estrogen levels will rise and inflammation of tissue will rise. You will probably increase your risk for Diabetes Type II, Metabolic-Syndrome and so on.

Making the most of soviet restorative measures

Chapter 9 deals with a really important topic: regeneration. Still today one of the most neglected factors not only in elite athletes. No matter if you use a Soviet approach or the even older Traditional Chinese Medicine one.

For every YIN (energy) you spend you have to put back some YANG in your “energy bank”. Otherwise your output will be more than your input. You don’t need an MBA to understand that this won’t work for a long time!

So make sure you try whatever protocol will suit and benefit you. Whether it’s like the Russians did with massages, sauna, mud baths or what we would call “biohacking devices”. Every workout will either deplete your Central Nervous System or your Peripheral Nervous System.

Both need your attention because hard workouts need hard regeneration. One of the things you really should improve is your sleep! Just to get more “gas in your anti-stress tank”.

Drugs in the Soviet Sport System

Of course this topic has to be spoken about and it inevitably will arise if you think about Eastern-bloc athletes.

If you like to know more about what has been taken and what not, read Yessis’ book. To make a long story short:

Yes, of course they did use substances like anabolic steroids, just like every other athlete did and is still doing in probably every sport in the world.

From my point of view it’s just foolish to assume the opposite. To get me right I DO NOT encourage anybody to take performance enhancing drugs.

But on the one hand society dooms people taking i.e. steroids, on the other it is perfectly acceptable if women take the pill to prevent birth…the pill is a steroid too! If you get a cortisol injection by your medical doctor it is steroids, too…

Just because something is legal by law doesn’t mean it’s good for you either! Think of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and lots of NSAIDs. All are legal but are they beneficial? Sure, the dosage makes the poison, but just think about it…

What’s on the Horizon

Chapter 11 of the 1987’s version dealt with “cutting edge technologies” the former Soviets had and were up to develop. Of course a lot of what seemed fancy then is our everyday life now.

Of course the Russians nowadays are still sometimes ahead (not only) of the metaphorical game! They are big in every research and at least are still dropping “knowledge bombs” on the world!

About the Author

The book closes with a short summary of Dr. Yessis’ career and an overview about other books he has written. Throughout the book you will also get referrals to blog articles, written by Dr. Y. on his website (


Should you buy Dr. Yessis’ book? Well, I definitely encourage you to do so. No matter if you’re a coach/trainer or if you are just trying to improve your own performance you will definitely find some useful information in this book!

If you are looking for a “secret formula” that will help you to transform yourself from a lazy person into an elite athlete by simply reading this book, you will be disappointed!

But that’s not what a book like this tries to be. It’s more to give you an insight of what was done to realize that there is hardly anything new to resistance training today!

Furthermore, if you’re a coach and you try to stay ahead of others, I think it is always beneficial not to look only for new stuff but also to investigate and imply what was done in the past and what has worked out to be effective for a very long time!

If you liked this article please comment and share it with your friends! Subscribe to the blog and the newsletter!

© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.


Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 106.

Conjugate Training, source:, access: 26.02.20.

How good is a Tom Cruise Movie? That depends on how far he runs, source:, access: 27.02.20.

Cover picture uneditedy by ArtTower on Pixabay.

Ambronite, just another “wonder shake scam”? Think of the following scenario: Is “being too busy “ a good excuse to skip breakfast? For me, definitely not! Even though I’m not a morning person, I never have to skip breakfast, even if I wake up 5 minutes before I have to leave the house. With quality natural meal replacement (or to be precise: a complete plant-based meal shake), I can have breakfast in just 2 minutes! That’s where ambronite “kicks” in. Of course I would never recommend to start your day in a hurry, but we all know that it might happen from time to time. If you then don’t want to skip breakfast, you might give a quality meal replacement like ambronite a try!

If you want to give Ambronite a try, you can use my referral code “BERNDSTOESSLEIN” at checkout to get 25% off of your first purchase. You can also use this link (affiliate link).

What is abronite?

Abronite, so “what actually is that?”, you might ask. I’ve been in contact to abronite’s founder (Simo Souheimo) and he explained it to me like that:

For the first few years since we started to make Ambronite meal shakes, we constantly got asked “What is this? A protein shake? A smoothie?” And I gotta be honest – if I was to compare the price of our Complete meal shake with a regular protein shake, it would be very expensive.

Luckily, this is not the case. Our meal shakes are not comparable to protein shakes. They are much more than that.Our meal shakes are Full meals. And when you compare the price of Ambronite meal shake to a normal full meal – containing a protein source (meat, fish, tofu, etc.), energy source (rice, potatoes, pasta, etc.), and a salad/vegetables + drink – the price suddenly becomes much more reasonable. Besides, regarding nutrition, our meal shakes beat those normal full meals hands down – only homemade plant-based meals with full rainbow colors stand a chance” (Simo Souheimo, 2019).

So that’s Simo’s answer to the question “What is this?”

Another common question concerning meal replacement products, I always consider, is: “Why should I be interested in this?”

My simple answers are:

If I’m at times too busy / lazy to take the time to make a healthy meal (usually during travel) but wish I could => a meal shake would provide that exactly in just 1 minute. I do work as a Personal-Trainer/Strength Coach and a “Heilpraktiker” (complementary and alternative medicine practitioner).

So, I also travel around Germany, usually by car. Eating in the car is always an issue and it’s almost impossible to find quality food at the gas station! So, ambronite meal replacement gives me a “cutting edge”. I do like it, as it is quality food without artificial flavors or ingrediencies.

If I like to drop a couple of kilos of fat without going on a strict and stressful diet => in many cases this has worked when enjoying meal shakes for breakfast and lunch for a limited time of let’s say 2-3 weeks.

If I have bloating or gut issues after meals (rarely the case but occasionally might happen) => quality meal shakes have often fixed those issues for me.

  • If I have to go to gym straight after being on the road, a quality meal replacement like ambronite makes things more easy. I just take an ambronite meal shake half an hour before the gym and I’m fueled to  “kick ass” at the gym.

Hooked to fast food? Stick to K.I.S.S.

I’m hooked to fast food as well – not junk food but actually healthy fast food!

Of course I’m not talking about shoving down shitty stuff like pizza and burger, especially when you’re in a hurry! I’m always talking about quality (fast) food!

So, to get this straight, I’d like to emphasize that I’m NOT telling you to replace all your solid meals by drinking shakes all day long! You probably won’t thrive on such a diet for a long time!

But – as I mentioned above – from time to time there is no time for a quality solid meal intake.

That’s where I see the benefit of a quality meal replacement  like ambronite. But, for me, it must always be a 100% natural meal replacement that fulfills daily nutritional bases and, from my perspective, also must taste delicious.

For me thinking out of the box and questioning everything has always been helpful! So, if you won’t skip a meal and rather have a second best alternative to eating nothing, I go for a quality meal replacement, like ambronite.

In the end , we all have a life to live which might be stressful from now and then, so the gym, nutrition and everything else just has to “fit in”. Therefore stick to K.I.S.S.!

No, I’m not talking about listening the famous rock band, I’m talking about the acronym for “Keep It Short and Simple”  (K.I.S.S.).  If life is getting stressful, don’t fall for it, search for a convenient solution.

Again, I clearly do not recommend replacing solid meals in order to achieve weight loss or whatsoever. This might work for 2-3 weeks and you can give it a try but always bear in mind, that it’s more about having another useful “tool” in your “nutrition toolbox”.

You then pull it out if necessary and when it has to be convenient. Just like a “McGyver-Solution” (famous 80s TV-Show, for those of you who don’t know. And yes, I know there’s a remake, but…yeah, you know…remakes are always crap).

 “If you only use a hammer, everything will look like a nail”! Be versatile in your nutritional behavior and always go prepared!

Why quality food matters

Why did you stop believing that you are a superhero? You are not that different from those heroes we all idolize. Sure, you might not have been born with superhuman powers, but what you have is the power of transformation. You have the power to make good decisions, and fight off bad ones. Anyone can be a superhero – with conscious choices.

Transform yourself to the best version of you with pure and premium, natural energy. Chug it first thing as a healthy breakfast to fuel a long day at the office, whip it up for a post work-out infusion of optimized nutrition, or have it

as a fresh meal on-the-go. Whatever  your battle is, knock out the enemy, anytime. This is the revelation of food – a power-kick that keeps you focused, strong and ready for life.

You are defined by your actions, so make sure you’re doing the right ones. Choose to become a savage in a world of weakness. If you are on the go or short in time and still want to eat well, then don’t fall for crappy fast food. Go for a real complete meal shake instead, like ambronite.

My favorite ambronite

I’ve tested all ambronite products so far and my favorite are their “greens”. I use them in the morning to just “get in my greens”. Again, it’s not about living a life only with supplements, but it’s about getting sufficient amounts of food-based vitamins and minerals.

The soil isn’t what it used to be and it’s probably getting harder and harder to get in all those vitamins and minerals you need, especially when you’re also working out in the gym.

So, as the name says, “supplements” are there to supply you, to give you a little extra here and there. Make sure you eat a quality-based diet according to your needs. But if you go for greens in form of supplements also seek a quality brand. I gave ambronite a try and they didn’t disappoint me

Edit: right at the moment I’m looking forward to the all new “keto meal shake“. I’ll give you my brutal honest feedback on this as well. Stay tuned for updates!

Ambronite, my Conclusion

Ambronite’s company statement is: “[…]to transform humans and our planet from surviving to thriving, through a sustainable plant-based lifestyle. 
We are helping urban professionals to live their life to the fullest by creating delicious, plant-based foods designed for modern lifestyle.”
(ambronite, 2019).

I’ve been using these plant-based products from Finnland for quite a while now. According to my expertise they are worth the investment. Sure, they might be a bit more expensive in comparison but it’s like always, you get what you pay for!

Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, you can easily integrate these plant based products into your diet. No matter if you’re on the go, on the road or short of time.

Sometimes food simply has to be fast, but it doesn’t have to be crappy! I recommend to always go prepared. It’s simple and it’s easy! Just store some drinkable supermeals in your car and your’re good to go.

Don’t fall for fast food which – by all means – won’t be beneficial for your health! Better give a good fast food a try!

It’s like always, you fall down to level of your preparation. So, in the end I do always recommend “No brain, no gain”. Get prepared and go prepared. It’s all up to you.

© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.

If you liked this article please share it with your friends and leave a comment.

FREO gear is a USA based company that produces strength training boards, designed by mountain runner, coach and author Eric Orton who also wrote the book “The Cool Impossible” (affiliate link).

These portable and highly durable slant wobble boards and disks are a must have for every serious strength coach, personal-trainer and simply anyone who wants to improve foot strength! Every health professional who works with clients should equip their “health-toolbox” with these beneficial boards! In this article I‘ll show you how I train with these instability tools to build stable performance.

Freo Foot Care System

FREO manufactures “cool tools” who are designed for “rapid muscle firing”. Not only in the feet but in the whole body. Think of it. You virtually perform almost every exercise while standing on your feet!

How important a proper alignment is can be read in my article: “Alignment from head to toes”. 

FREO is also used by New York Times bestselling author Tim Ferriss, who calls himself a “guinea pig” due to being a true “Bad ass” Biohacker.

Ferriss wrote books like “The 4 hour Body” (affiliate link) and “Tools of Titans” (affiliate link). In the latter you can find me in the chapter about my mentor Charles R. Poliquin aka “Strength sensei” (R.I.P.).

In a video about his evening routine (minute 4:32) he talks about the FREO slant wobble board.

Special thanks to the CEO of FREO, Frank Ranum who sent me a FREO Foot Core System for testing.

After having unboxed the boards my honest first impression was: “well, that‘s it?!”. Don‘t get me wrong, the quality is very solid and the haptic, too. But I couldn‘t see how so simple tools would generate a big benefit to my strength training.

Well, let me tell you, I WAS WRONG! Nothing is further from the truth! They might be simple, but they are definitely not easy to use! Especially the wobble disk, which actually is my favorite!

Why are todays people‘s feet so weak?

The problem with the feet of our modern society is obvious. From the earliest age on we are put into “foot prisons”. Being in shoes means that our tendons, muscles, ligaments etc. cannot develop properly anymore. Think for yourself: when was the last time you walked barefoot?

Not only is it the wrong footwear, it‘s footwear itself that disconnects us from mother natures surface. Rubber soles and asphalt ground. No chance for reconnecting to the soil in order to soak up some electrons for the body’s energy field.

And again, please ask yourself the question: when was the last time you did some Earthing, respectively Grounding?

Of course I understand that you cannot perform every job while being barefoot. Besides looking a bit like a weiredo people are just not used to walk barefoot anymore.

My recommendation is to start with a solid pair of minimal shoes. I  use shoes from a German Company that also sells in the US. They are called “Wildling Shoes” (advertisement, not payed).

Besides being a strength coach/personal-trainer, I  also work as a “Heilpraktiker” in Germany. A proper translation would be something like “complementary and alternative medicine practitioner”.

That means that I can work with patients, am allowed to diagnose and treat, do invasive stuff like injections, intravenous infusion and so on. To make a long story short I do see a lot of patients with lots of orthopedically foot problems.

Too weak muscles, tendons, over stressed ligaments, lots of hallux toes and soft tissue deformations, just to name a few.

Often these derive from wrong footwear and a severe structural imbalance! That is another great field of application for the FREO boards, rehabilitation!

No matter what your current foot strength level is, as long as you don‘t have any contraindications, you should start training your feet. Will this cure all your structural imbalances in your body?

Don‘t be foolish. Of course not! But it will definitely be a helpful tool along with proper footwear, a holistic way of healthy living and a proper strength training.

Strength Training vs. Circus Training

Ok, now let‘s talk a bit about serious strength training. You do not have to be a competitive athlete to distinguish between: “the good, the bad and the ugly”!

My mentor Charles R. Poliquin used to say: “There is nothing new in strength training since 1892”, and guess what: he was probably right!

The point is that all day long something “new” pops up to show you “how it‘s done”. Well, occasionally there might be some new stuff from time to time but the basics will still be the basics!

In my opinion it‘s the same with instability training. You won‘t find as much stupid stuff anywhere else like in this particular field of training. If you look up the word “bullshit” in a dictionary there should be a picture of someone doing squats on a bosu ball!

Now I am going to tell you why the FREO boards are good and do NOT fall in the field of “circus training”.

When it comes to instability training there are:

  • The good (tool with flat surface and instable ground)
  • The bad (vice versa as above, instable surface and stable ground)
  • The ugly (all the crap you can buy on TV, won’t do any shit for you except emptying your wallet)

Is the earth really flat?

Wel, we are not going to do some flat earth debate but I tell you: if it comes to instability training for me, the “earth” should be as flat as possible! Why? Because in real life you do not perform on an instable ground (except playing beach-volleyball).

What do I mean by flat? Well, the board can have an inclination but its surface is still flat! On the contrary, its bottom side wobbles. That‘s the ONLY kind of instability training I recommend!

And for the smartasses, it does NOT work the way vice versa! If you have an instable surface and a stable ground. From my perspective an instable surface is simply too irritating for the central nervous system.

Of course there is no such thing as black and white and as we have learned in life, there are many “shades” of grey!

So, if you are a very skilled athlete and are for example really performing in a circus, like “cirque du soleil” you might also use an instable surface to perform on. Without a doubt, I pay my absolute respect to artists of this “caliber”!

But, when you are not a superb circus athlete/performer you should focus on working with tools whose surfaces are flat and whose bottom sides might be unstable. Just from my expertise this will bring you the fastest results!

Feet strengthening exercises with FREO Gear

As I mentioned before, strength training of the feet will not only benefit themselves but also the whole body. Especially in terms of structural balance!

That‘s due to the fact that feet contain a lot of small muscles, joints, articulations, ligaments and tendons. For them in order to perform at their optimum they should be able to move as mother nature designed them.

From my expertise especially when people are doing rehabilitation programs little to no attention is paid to the importance of foot strength and structure!

Most people rather rely on externally supporting devices instead of training and (re)strengthening the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of their feet.

I do consider that as one of the general problems in today‘s society. People always fall for the easy way…instead of taking responsibility for their own health they rather search for a short cut.

When we draw our attention to the “design” of a healthy foot we can see its arched shape on first sight. According to McKeon et al. this arch and its muscles are relevant to the foot‘s core stability (McKeon et al., 2015).

In their research paper: “The foot core system: a new paradigm for understanding intrinsic foot muscle function” Mc Keon et al. propose that: “(…) the concept of core stability may also be extended to the arch of the foot. The arch is controlled with both local stabilisers and global movers of the foot, similar to the lumbopelvic core.

Therefore you can see that a stable “core” is not only achievable in your upper body but also in your feet!

In terms of structural balance you have to have a holistic point of view. That means if something (muscles) are too strong, something else is too weak! The goal is to create an equilibrium in all of your foot muscles to ensure proper stability in your whole body.

The FREO boards where designed by Eric Orton, who is a professional runner. But that does not mean that their usability is limited to endurance athletes! From my point of  view everybody who likes to improve foot stability and strength might benefit from these cool tools!

Even when you are rather a strength athlete I encourage you to have a look into Orton‘s book, “The Cool Impossible”.

At least you will learn techniques for foot strength exercises to catapult performance, combat injuries, and transform technique. All things you can also benefit from as a strength athlete.

How to work out with a FREO wobble board and wobble disk

A smart human being once said: “ Every exercise is a foot exercise if you are on your feet doing it”. I completely agree. According to that you can imagine how important the strength and structural balance of your feet is.

Using FREO tools my clients and patients (regardless of age and level of strength) are able to improve their (foot)strength, body equilibrium and balance.

Both the Slant Wobble Board and the Wobble Disk are really beneficial tools which amplify the exercises by introducing instability, forcing both dominant and more important lesser used muscles to fire, creating a more balanced, equalized mind and lower body (FREO 2020).

Figure 1: Primary Foot Orientations using the FREO Wobble Board, source © FREO.

Rules for all Exercises:

  • Wobble Disk Exercises can be started once the slant board exercises have been mastered! That means you can forward to the wobbling board exercises if you can perform the slant board moves with proper form! FREO recommends performing the exercises using two (hiking)poles (affiliate link).
  • Balance on the center of the board while keeping your heel raised, your board leg straight and knee locked (except performing pistol squats). Keep the non-boarding leg slightly elevated off floor as the resting position.
  • Keep the board balanced on the center, resist allowing it to tilt any direction while doing the exercise. Keep exercise movements smooth, fluid and controlled. Alternate each foot.
  • Once you feel using two poles is easy and controlled for two minutes with proper form you are ready to begin using a single balancing aid.

Instead of two poles I use the boards performing the exercise in a squat rack. I place a barbell in the hooks in case I need a help for balancing. But if you do not perform the exercise in a gym stick to the FREO instructions mentioned above!

Also make sure that you perform the exercises on a suitable underground that prevents the boards from slipping. Especially the Wobbling Disk!!!

Exercise pictures and why I prefer videos

Pictures of exercises are nice, but what you commonly get are a starting- and an ending-position. What is done in between is left to the imagination of the reader/viewer.

Therefore I decided to shoot a quick FREO exercise guide.

This video shows you how I  use the FREO tools. So please feel free to adopt what you like and skip what you don‘t. Enjoy!


I stumbled upon the FREO Foot Core System while watching a video of Tim Ferriss. Funny enough because I‘m also mentioned in one of Tim‘s New York Times best-selling books, “Tools of Titans” (affiliate link). After having contacted FREO we found out that its CEO Frank Ranum had roots in Germany J

So, he was kind enough to send me a FREO Slant Board and a Wobble Board. After having unboxed the tools I first wasn‘t flabbergasted, to be honest. But I have to tell you I completely changed my mind after my first try in my gym!

The material is very solid and the tools are built to last a lifetime. They are super lightweight and therefore predestinated to travel with. Whether you are a Personal-Trainer/Strength-Coach or if you just use it for home training with family and friends.

The FREO strength tools are a very affordable investment in optimizing your foot strength. The training can be done almost everywhere and anytime, in- and outdoors. You just need a dry, horizontal and non-slippery surface to place the boards.

For all those who are new to the topic of instability training will benefit from the FREO Quick Start Guide that comes for free with every purchase!

© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.

If you liked this article please share it with your friends, subscribe to the newsletter and the blog.

If you like to book a professional online/offline consultation please feel free to contact me:


McKeon PO; Hertel J; Bramble D; Davis I. The Foot Core System: A New Paradigm for Understanding Intrinsic Foot Muscle Function. British Journal of Sports Medicine 201549 (5), 290–290 DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092690.

FREO Quick Start Guide.

CorrectToes™️ (advertisement, not payed) are anatomical toe spacers designed by sports podiatrist, Dr. Ray McClanahan.

These toe spacers can be worn barefoot or inside approved footwear, and even while being active! That‘s why I put them into my strength training respectively biohacking “tool box”, besides my special designed dental splint.

An anatomical correct alignment from head to toes is mandatory not only to enhance physical performance but also to stay healthy, prevent wear and tear of your joints and prevent you from pain.

In this article I‘ll show you why and how I use two “cool tools” that are commonly overlooked, not only in the field of strength training and performance enhancement!

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes…

Of course you all know the children‘s song that starts with:

Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose…”

Just a simple song for kids that bears a lot of truth!

Unfortunately, from my experience, people do not pay a lot of attention to their body, especially their footwear. Sure, they buy lots of overpriced shoes from super famous brands for hundreds of Dollars, but are they really good for your feet or just show-offs?

If you are aware of the “Golden Age of Bodybuilding”, when Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, Lou Ferrigno etc. used to train at the original Gold‘s Gym you will notice a couple of things they all had in common.

First, they all looked awesome, compared to modern day bodybuilders with their bloated guts etc.

Second, they all thrived on a high fat/high protein diet, trained outside and therefore consumed lots of sunlight (Vitamin D) AAAAAAND they all trained lots of the time barefoot (just look at the old footage or the movie “Pumping Iron” and you‘ll notice it!

If they didn’ they at least wore footwear with plane shoe soles! That might just be the case as there were no “fancy” Crossfit Shoes or lifting shoes etc. at that time, but things don‘t always change for the better! Especially when it comes to terms of footwear!

Nowadays most feet aren‘t even used to walk barefoot anymore. From early age human feet are imprisoned by (most of the cases) the wrong footwear. Let‘s just call them “foot prisons”.

Here‘s a nice clip form Family Guy where Peter Griffin shows his humoristic view on not wearing shoes:

Did you know, that you are normally born with “perfect feet”?!

Babies’ feet are designed to provide balance and stability. With a broad sole and splayed toes, feet form our foundation.

Source: Pixabay.

In our society, foot shape and function change as we age. As feet are exposed to conventional footwear, toes compress and curl.

Rigid footwear and arch support diminish muscle activation and toe range of motion, causing weakness and atrophy in the foot.

With the long-term use of restrictive footwear, our once dexterous and mobile toes lose their ability to move independently.

In cultures around the world who remain barefoot or minimally shod, toes maintain natural shape and splay, and foot and toe strength and dexterity is preserved through adulthood and into old age.

So instead of forcing your babies into feet you should focus on letting them walk barefoot as often as possible!

I would also recommend going barefoot as an adult whenever possible! Another benefit of walking barefoot is something called “grounding” or “earthing”. When you “reconnect” with mother nature‘s natural electron rich field and you absorb these electrons through your feet.

You will have probably noticed this effect before, maybe without noticing. You instantly feel better, more relaxed and chilled, while walking barefoot on the beach or in the forest. Even by simply stepping into the grass of your own garden!

If you haven‘t paid attention or experienced this before, give it a try!

Wearing my CorrectToes™️ during training in my Personal-Training Gym, source: own photo.

What I also use to relief some pain in my feet and actually my whole body, i.e. after an intense workout or to get an extra mobilization ist a little golf ball shaped sphere called “Superfoot Rubz” Massage Ball. You might want to give this a try and include it into your workout “tools”. I got this tip from Ed Coan (one of the most successful powerlifters in the history of the world).

A perfect design

I have talked to the very friendly and helpful people from CorrectToes™️ and they told me:

Strength and mobility are key features in achieving overall musculoskeletal health. Unfortunately, because of footwear design, the foot is often prevented from achieving its full potential. With 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments, the human foot is extraordinary in its complexity.

Three arches span the heel and forefoot. Like a powerful spring, these arches are designed to flex, rebound and absorb shock in order to decrease impact forces on joints higher up in the body. With long-term exposure to conventional shoes, our feet weaken, our toes deform and our muscles shorten and atrophy.

Footwear continually forces foot arches to perform in unnatural ways, altering gait, posture and balance. This leaves our feet dependent on footwear that is structured, cushioned and supportive. But, thankfully, foot-healthy shoes now exist that allow the foot to function as nature intended.”

Don‘t fall for cheap imitates! What makes CorrectToes™️ unique

Now I know what you might think or even say: “there are lots of similar products on the market, why should I use precisely this one?” Well, I can‘t force you to buy this product, I don’t have financial interest in it nor am I involved in this company.

But, it is like always, if you want good results, you get what you pay for. If you want a cheap (and probably not so good solution) you buy a “cheap” product. If you want good quality, you purchase the good stuff.

It‘s like cars. Nobody really needs a Porsche to go from A to B. If your only concern is to have a car, you can buy a 1000$ car from the junkyard. Will it drive? Maybe, maybe not. Will it have the power, the performance, the aerodynamic, the quality of a Porsche? Absolutely not!

Even if you subtract the prestige of the brand and narrow it down only to the parts that are used to build a Porsche it will be of better quality than most other cars. Of course not everybody can afford a Porsche, but you certainly can afford a toes spreader that comes in pairs for 65$!

So, don‘t fall for the cheap stuff they sell on amazon or ebay. You only have one pair of feet, treat them right. Otherwise “cheap” might be expensive in the long run as cheap products might cause health problems and an illness is neither cheap nor fun to deal with!

CorrectToes™️ are unique from my perspective due to:

• Designed to restore original toe splay and alignment
• Created by sports podiatrist Dr. Ray McClanahan
• Made of durable and flexible medical-grade silicone
• Naturally antimicrobial and hypoallergenic
• Promotes balance and optimal foot and toe circulation

• Can be used in foot-shaped footwear for maximum corrective effect
• Easily modifiable for unique feet and toes
• Can be used on bare feet, over toes socks or in healthy footwear
• Is a reasonably-priced alternative to orthotics or surgery
• Designed to prevent or address many foot and toe problems

CorrectToes™️ during one of my barefoot standing calf raises workout. If they flip out, like in the pic, they can easily be readjusted! Source: own picture.

👟 What is beneficial footwear? 👟

Now that I have criticized lots of modern footwear I also want to give you my recommendation about “better” ones. Of course this article is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases nor to give any “health claims” but I can tell you which shoes I would buy.

It‘s not about a special brand but rather about the design of footwear I look to.

All good things come in threes, therefore the “perfect” shoe for me is:

  • Flat
  • Flexible
  • Wide

According to these points I buy footwear for myself that is flat, widest at the ends of the toes and flexible in the sole!

If you are looking for cool tools to strengthen your feet, feel free to check out my article about the FREO Foot Care Sytem.

FREO Gear is a USA based company that produces strength training boards, designed by mountain runner, coach and author Eric Orton who also wrote the book “The Cool Impossible” (affiliate link).

I decided to shoot a quick FREO exercise guide. This video shows you how I  use the FREO tools. So please feel free to adopt what you like and skip what you don‘t. Enjoy!

The rack rail

The right alignment of your body is important. Therefore helpful tools like toe spreaders and rack rails have to be especially designed for you! While the first can rather easily be modified by yourself to fit your special needs, the latter have to be designed by a biological working dentist.

 I had my biological working dentist made me a special rack rail of a hypoallergic monomere to correct my too deep bite, enhance my detoxification during sleep and prevent my teeth from too much wear and tear during training and from crunching during night.

My custom-made rack rail, by my biologically/holistically working dentist, source: own picture.

For me a rack rail and toe spreaders are rather small but extremely important tools, not only during training but for overall health and wellbeing!

When it comes to training, people pay a lot of attention to all kind of supplements, training gear, special designed clothes etc. But hardly anyone takes your jaw bone/teeth and feet into consideration!

But both of them are very important and can be the root of a lot of evil. When it comes to teeth I‘d recommend you to watch the movie “Root Cause” to get a deeper understanding how teeth that received a root cause might be responsible for lots of illnesses.

Conclusion 🔍

In strength and fitness there are lots of “gadgets” on the market. Lots of them are useful and a  lot of them are … let‘s say, made to only make money. Sometimes useful tools are rather expensive and have the absolute necessity of being made-to-measure (like a rack rail) and sometimes they don‘t ( like quality toe spreaders).

When it comes to the latter I‘d highly recommend you to invest in the best. You invest once and benefit from it for a lifetime. As a strength coach and complementary and alternative medicine practitioner I‘ve been testing CorrectToes™️ toe spreaders for quite a while now and I‘m absolutely convinced of their quality.

Besides that, they‘re a super friendly company, based in the US, with a superb customer service!

© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.

If you liked this article please share it with your friends, subscribe to the newsletter and/or send me an E-Mail to:

Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (UHK) – “The Keyboard. For professionals.” That‘s the claim of the company‘s slogan. I was interested in this very special keyboard and yes, I would consider myself a professional. Not in hacking, but in writing, respectively in (fitness and health) blogging. I have written my entire upcoming book on the UHK and this odd looking keyboard is a real game changer for me. This article is my little tribute to those who do write a lot and are looking for “a fully programmable, impeccably built, open source, split mechanical keyboard designed for extreme productivity and ergonomics.” (UHK).

Dieser Artikel ist bald auch auf Deutsch verfügbar (This article will soon be also available in German)

📖 Tired of the same old story? 📖

OK on a Fitness-Blog an article about a computer keyboard might be a bit of an “off-topic”, I admit. But hang on and read my story as it will also cover the benefits of ergonomics, muscle memory, cognitive tasks, and why I love to type, instead of using a dictation program.

Furthermore, I thought it might also be cool to show my readers HOW my articles are made. A “making of” series. I‘d like to show you once in a while which tools I use to create my blog post and books. That‘s why there is a category named “cool tools”.

But first let me introduce myself (for those who do not know me yet) to see why I need (and love) to write a lot…

My name is Bernd Stößlein and I’m an internationally known strength coach/personal trainer (currently working on my Ph.D.)  from Germany. I also work as a “Heilpraktiker” (complementary and alternative medicine practitioner). I was a Men’s Fitness cover model, featured in Men’s Health, “Muscle”, Flex and in Tim Ferriss’ New York Times bestseller “Tools of Titans”, just to name a few. I’m the inventor of the BAMBOO BENCH® , which was endorsed by Charles R. Poliquin (R.I.P.).

Besides that, I do have a well-known Fitness Blog, a Personal-Training Gym and my own supplement brand. I am currently also working on my second book. I  write a lot of blog post, and I‘ve been using my Mac Book Pro 💻 for all these articles. But for my new book I was a bit tired of the little keyboard of  my Mac.

Now you will ask why I didn‘t simply buy a remote Bluetooth keyboard to get the job done. Well, I will tell you why. I am not a fan of Bluetooth, Wireless Lan, 5G etc. So I was looking for something “old school” with a USB connection.

But it had also to be more ergonomic than a regular keyboard as these are not very comfortable, if you plan to write something longer than a regular blog post.

Therefore I was looking around for quite a while. There are tons of keyboards out there. A lot for gaming…but I‘m not a (video)gamer, nor do I intend to be one.

Then I discovered the UHK. Honestly, it was an advertisement I saw on Instagram. First I thought “OK, here we go again, another keyboard, hurrrrrrah”. But then I  took a closer look on the company’s website and it gained my interest!

☯️ The Yin and Yang Keyboard ☯️

I like to call the UHK my “Yin and Yang Keyboard” as it is a split mechanical keyboard which utilizes Cherry MX-style switches. It’s also a fully programmable keyboard which can be vastly customized for your needs. If you need a compact, ergonomic keyboard or looking for the programmers’ keyboard, then look no further!

I simply copied this text form the UHK company (except for the part of the Yin-Yang) as it is simply something I would sign. For me it is by far THE best keyboard I have typed on.

To be honest I was used to the almost silent Mac Book keys. Switching to a mechanical type of keyboard was a bit strange….aaaaand a bit annoying! Sure, the mechanical clicking is a bit of a difference but if you get used to it (and/or if you like it) you‘re good to go!

The cool thing about this keyboard is, that it is really smooth. It works like a well-oiled machine.

If you nevertheless want to reduce the sound of the keyboard you can use “O Rings” [affiliate link] for silencing. You can get these from amazon for a couple of EUR.

I have never used a split-keyboard before, so this was quite a change. But after a while you really get used to it and it is indeed a lot more comfortable for your wrists.

I got the UHK with original wood palm rest, to make it even more comfortable (see picture). Furthermore,I use the feet to type in a “tented” position. But if you like you can also use other variations like negative or positive tilting.

I have talked to the very friendly guys from UHK in Hungary and they told me:

As a truly split keyboard, the two keyboard halves of the UHK result in a more natural typing posture – rather than forcing your wrists to adapt to a straight keyboard, you can adjust your keyboard so that your wrists are straight.The halves are connected by a replaceable bridge cable which expands and shrinks as needed, occupying minimal desk space.The UHK palm rest belongs to a class of its own. It’s made from natural beech wood, which is then machined, pickled, lacquered, and finally fixated to a powder-coated steel plate. It offers a unique combination of warmth, class, and durability.The palm rest firmly attaches to your UHK, and it’s strongly recommended for maximum ergonomics.”(UHK).

🐭 The mouse in the house 🐭

The coolest features of all of the UHK for me is by far the integrated mouse. I have never seen something like this before. That was also one of the points I was wondering about. As I didn’t want to use an extra mouse , too.

Using an extra keyboard AND the tracking panel of my mac would be rather uncomfortable. That‘s where the UHK plays its trump. It has a built in mouse you can use with a combination of shortcuts.

Mouse Layer of the UHK, source: Ultimate Hacking Keyboard.

You simply have to hold the “mouse” button and can use the arrows on the keys (see photo).

The built in Mouse-Option (left keyboard side), source: © own picture.
Move Keys of the built in Mouse Option (right keyboard side), source: © own picture.

If you‘re not satisfied with that you can also buy optional features, like a Key Cluster Module, a Trackball Module 🖲️, Trackpoint Module and/or a Touchpad Module (see pictures).

UHK optional modules, source:  Ultimate Hackers Keyboard.

⚙️ Ultimate Configurability ⚙️

But the UHK doesn‘t stop here. It gives you sheer endless opportunities to customize not only its hardware but also its programming. You can download a free UHK Agent with which you can modify the keyboard to your specific needs (see picture).

Abbildung 3 Base-Layer of the UHK, source: UHK.

It is simple AND it is easy! On the upper left corner you also have a (dimmable) LCD Display that shows you which mode you use…QWERTY or others.

Picture LCD

The guys from UHK say:

Agent is the configuration application of the UHK. Unlike other keyboard configurators, Agent allows for easy, yet deep configuration of your UHK. Its interface was crafted to be powerful, yet intuitive. Agent provides loads of advanced features, like mouse keys, dual role keys, shortcuts, multiple keymaps, layers, macros, mouse speed settings, and more. You can save your configuration in a second with a click of a button, and take it with you. Your UHK remembers its configuration without Agent. It runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows.”(UHK).”

If you want to know how it works you can klick àhereß and see a live demo of the UHK Agent.

Upcoming features

The cool thing of the UHK is that it is everything but static. It keeps evolving. That means you can get your standard version and keep on upgrading everything you like. Start with the basic split keyboard and add all the cool features.

All items are available as spare items. The keys, the feet, whatsoever. Plus you can choose between different case colors. So, it‘s also fully customable.

I highly recommend to buy the palm rests. These are an absolute investment!!!

There will also be an upgrade possibility to illuminate the keyboard. I‘m really looking forward to that!

⌨️ Become a “keyboard hero” ⌨️

For me typing is more like kind of playing an instrument, just like the piano, which I used to do as a kid. It‘s about using both hands and therefore both hemispheres of your brain. Typing (when using all 10 fingers) is a complex cognitive task most people aren‘t aware of.

That‘s probably because we all do it mostly on a daily basis. Once learned properly it is like having learned how to ride a bicycle or…like lifting weights. If you have mastered it, you will never forget it, even without a daily practice.

See, that‘s where the fitness association comes into play. I told you this article will also be about fitness 😉 So it‘s not necessarily a total “off topic” article.

The “logic” and the “creative” brain, source: Pixabay.

It‘s basically the same as lifting weights, but obviously with a lot less weight.

But in contrast to lifting weights, what you train while typing are your fine motor skills! Just like in your larger skeletal muscles, like the biceps or triceps (used for bending and extending the arm) you are giving your finger muscles a light “workout”. Plus you improve what is known as “muscle memory”.

You train your fingers to be faster than your brain. Just like a “finger brain”. That‘s why you eventually can type on the keyboard while simultaneously looking at the screen. Just because you know where the several keys are. You don’t have to look at the keyboard anymore.

Of course this lives from daily or at least regular practice, just like lifting weights ;).

So, when it comes to typing it is a complex cognitive task, involving fine motor skills, different brain areas, memory faculties, hand-eye coordination and your language skills (native or foreign).

That’s why I love typing. Using the UHK is also a nice haptic experience, compared to a built in keyboard of a laptop. It‘s much more solid and therefore involves more “muscle recruitment” in your finger muscles. The UHK is a really solid piece of equipment!

The Layers – All good things come in 3s, or 4s?

In German we a have a proverb: “Aller guten Dinge sind drei”, which means: „All good things come in  threes”. But in the case of the UHK, respectively its layers, it‘s four! So you‘re new to this topic? Don‘t worry here‘s the UHK‘s explanation:

Layers provide a way to map multiple functions to a single key. Think of the Fn key of laptops, but unlike laptops, there is not one but three layer-switcher keys, namely Mod, Fn, and Mouse. These three, in addition to the Base Layer, give you four separate layers.”

That means:

  • The Base layer contains regular alphanumeric keys.
  • The Mod layer contains navigation and function keys.
  • The Fn layer contains media keys to adjust volume and switch tracks.
  • The Mouse layer allows you to control the mouse pointer, click and scroll.

I have already shown you the “Mouse-Layer” and the “Base-Layer” (see pictures above) so please see the two remaining ones, the “Mod-“ & the “Fn-Layer”.

Fn-Layer of the UHK ) Mac Version, source: UHK.
Abbildung 6 MOD-Layer of the UHK, source UHK.


This article is one of the upcoming “making off” series in which I will show you how I create my articles, videocasts, books etc.

Therefore, it does not only serve as an “off topic” but rather as a recommendation which “cool tools” I use to get my work done in an efficient and professional way. In this case it is a sophisticated new keyboard I literally use every day!

Special thanks to the guys from UHK for supporting me with one of their very cool keyboards. This piece of equipment is a real gamechanger. It enabled me to “pump out” over 100 pages for my upcoming new book in only 7 days.

As I am not only a professional in the gym but also in the field of writing/blogging I like to keep things efficient, using the pareto principle (80/20 rule).

According to this I highly recommend you to get a UHK, no matter in which profession you are in. If you have to type a lot, do it in an ergonomic, more healthy and efficient way. Invest in the best and get yourself a UHK!

© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.

If you likes this article please share it with your friends, write me an E-Mail or comment below.

The Oxygen Advantage (OA) is a special nasal breathing technique originally developed by a Russian medical Doctor named Buyteko, transferred into the world of physical training and performance enhancement by Irishman Patrick McKeown. The technique aims for increased energy, more focus, improved resilience and to optimize your overall potential. McKeown says, that one of the secrets to weight loss, fitness and health lies in the most overlooked aspect of our life – how we breathe. And guess what, I think he’s absolutely right! I took his course and became one of the first Certified Oxygen Advantage Coaches in Germany.  This article will give you a summary of how the OA works and where I see the benefits of switching from mouth to nose breathing. I will also discuss how the Oxygen Advantage differs from the Wim Hof Technique!    —> Diesen Artikel gibt’s auch auf Deutsch <—

Slow but deep but light       

OK, if you‘re new to the concept that you might not breathe “right”, you probably think something like: “I‘ve been breathing my whole life, cannot be that hard?!”. But wait, I was thinking the same!

But before we jump into the OA‘s technique right away it is necessary to think about the definition of some terms, in order for a better understanding how applying the OA works.

We will have a look about the following:

  • Oxygen (O2)
  • Hypoxial        
  • Hypercapnia
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • SpO2
  • Nitric Oxide (NO)
  • pH-Level
  • respiratory alkalosis
  • respiratory acidosis
  • Anatomy of the respiratory system 


Of course it‘s obvious that Oxygen might play an essential role in a program called the “Oxygen Advantage”. So what‘s Oxygen? Sure, we all heard about it in school but either we tend to forget or we didn‘t pay attention. As I want to stick to “K.I.S.S.” (keep it short and simple) and do not want to write an essay about how to star in “Breaking Bad”, here‘s a quick reminder:

Oxygen is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group in the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds. By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas with the formula O. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the Earth’s atmosphere. As compounds including oxides, the element makes up almost half of the Earth’s crust.” (Wikipedia, 2019).

So, to make a long Oxygen story short, you need Oxygen to breathe and to live! So up till now nothing new under the sun you‘ll say. But hang on!


If you have insufficient Oxygen you enter a state called hypoxia. This term derives from the Greek word “hyp(o)= under, down and of course Greek: “oxys”= sharp, cutting, pointed (Becher et al., 1995). So hypoxia literally translated means: “too less air”.


Again, to understand it‘s simply about decoding all those medical terms so that they‘ll lose their fright! Hypercapnia, surprise surprise also derives from Greek and is made up of the term “hyper” (which is the opposite of “hyp(o)”) =  over, above and “kapnos” = smoke, steam, respectively: carbon dioxide  (Becher et al., 1995).          

So it‘s actually a quite simple term, saying, that you are having: “too much CO2”.                                                         

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – Not just a waste gas!

Nowadays (especially so called “Millennials”) people tend to be followers, not uncommon in the world of social media and Co. Therefore CO2 has a bad reputation but I tell you what:

If it is so “bad” why is it used in greenhouses to enhance plant growth?! I don‘t want to start a debate about clime change or another hoax but I want to stress that sometimes things just aren’t the way they seem to be!

So, when it comes to CO2 don‘t be fooled by some Greta media puppets, as CO2 is much more of a waste gas!

The following graphic will give you a brief overview of how the OA works and which key rolls both O2 and CO2 play!

pH CO2 Link: source: © Oxygen Advantage.

pH-Level or Potentia Hydrogenii! 

When we talk about the human respiratory system it is inevitable to talk about our pH-level, it is – depending to different literature – 7.365 and must remain within tightly defined parameters, see picture above. If pH in the blood is too acidic and drops below 6.8 or too alkaline rising above 7.8, death can result (Casiday and Frey)!

To get this straight, pH or pH-level is an abbreviation for the Latin term “potentia hydrogenii”, with Latin “potis” = mighty, powerful, potent and Greek “hydratos” = water (Becher et al., 1995).

The “chemical glasses” and the pH-Level, source: © Stößlein.

The pH-Level is only something man-made and what I tend to call “wearing chemical glasses” (see picture).

 The range goes from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral and 14 being the most alkaline.

The picture is in German but it doesn‘t matter as most of the terms are Latin and/or Greek. I give you a translation anyway. The term “Chemiebrille & der pH-Wert” is what I have already described as “the chemical glasses”.

I say chemical as you could also look at the issue of acidity (= “sauer” in German) and alkalinity (= “basisch” in German) from an electronical point of view. To make this very short:

  • You are more acidic the more H+ Ions (protons) you have, might lead to respiratory acidosis
  • You are more alkaline the more OH- Ions (electrons) you have, might lead to respiratory alkalosis

How NOT TO BREATHE – Respiratory alkalosis & acidosis

Ok, now let us sum up what we have so far. We have done a brief repetition of what O2, CO2, the pH-Level, acidity, alkalinity and even protons (H+) and electrons (OH-) are.

I bring all these together now in terms of breathing and especially what can go wrong with it and when you switch in a state of respiratory alkalosis or respiratory acidosis!        

Below you will find a picture of the human respiratory system. As this article is not intended to teach you physiology I try to keep it as simple as possible.

If you breathe in and out you‘re inhaling air (which normally contains about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and a rest of inert gases) and you exhale air (mostly CO2).

Respiratory system, source: Pixabay.

But let‘s say things go a little awkward and you cannot breathe slow, deep and light. Think of some teenage girls being on a concert of their favorite band (whatever that might be).

When these girls are in full admiration of their teeny-band- idol, they might be really excited which could lead to overbreathing. So they are breathing not slow, not deep enough and buy all means probably not light!

They then tend to exhale too much of CO2 (hyperventilation) which will lead to an accumulation of O2! Therefore they are getting more and more alkaline (as they are losing acidity) which might lead to a shift towards alkalinity (see picture of pH-Level) and therefore could cause respiratory alkalosis.

The opposite of hyper/ventilation is, of course, hypo/ventilation. You see, that‘s why I tried not to bore you with the explanation of Latin and Greek terms, but to give you a “toolbox” you can use while getting used to thinking in principles.

Therefore you don‘t have to learn everything by heart. You can simply apply it to different issues.

So, if overbreathing is hyperventilation and means an excessive intake of O2 which might lead to a reduction of CO2 and result in respiratory alkalosis, then hypoventilation must be the lack of O2 and an accumulation of CO2 which might lead to a respiratory acidosis.

And that is basically what the Oxygen Advantage technique is: a hyp/oxic and hyper/capnic state.

Now that you have (re)learned about all those terms you might easily understand what the OA tries to achieve and which biochemical principles are lying behind it. Furthermore, you now can distinguish it from the Wim Hof technique, which is hyp/oxic AND hypo/ capnic!

Now we will look at the biomechanical aspect of some of the main techniques of the OA and breathing itself.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

The OA‘s mission is to teach its students how to switch back from mouth- to nose breathing. To understand how breathing works from a biomechanical point of view we must look at the diaphragm (see picture below).

Inhalation and Exhalation, with diaphragmatic movement; source: Pixabay.

When you look at the picture above you will see that: “ […] “In humans, the diaphragm is slightly asymmetric—its right half is higher up (superior) to the left half, since the large liver rests beneath the right half of the diaphragm. There is also a theory that the diaphragm is lower on the other side due to the presence of the heart.” (Wikipedia, 2019).

Normally,when you breathe, the diaphragm should move downwards (while inhalation) and back up (while expiration). But nowadays lots of people tend to be breathing mostly through their mouth instead of breathing through their nose! This might lead to something that‘s called “Dysfunctional Breathing Patterns”.

Actually there is no precise definition of the term “Dysfunctional Breathing Patterns.

According to McKeown it includes: “any disturbance to breathing including; hyperventilation/over breathing, unexplained breathlessness, breathing pattern disorder, irregularity of breathing.” (McKeown, 2017).

Therefore dysfunctional breathing patterns can include:

  • Breathing through mouth
  • Hearing breathing during rest
  • Regular sighing
  • Regular sniffing
  • Large breaths prior to talking
  • Yawning with big breaths
  • Upper chest movement
  • Paradoxical breathing
  • Noticeable breathing movement during rest

After having shown what can disturb “right” breathing, you surely want to know how you CAN breathe right or at least how you can improve your way of breathing, right? Hang on!

How to improve breathing – Measure your BOLT-Score

Breathing is light, quiet, effortless, soft, through the nose, diaphragmatic, rhythmic and gently paused on the exhale. This is how human beings breathed until the comforts of modern life changed everything, including our breathing. With stress being the bigger influencer, in a negative way!

But how can you estimate how “well” you breath? Measure your BOLT-Score!

BOLT measurement, source: © Oxygen Advantage.

The BOLT-Score is your Body Oxygen Level Test, a breath holding time! So if you want to know how big you breathe you can do so by the following:

  • Take a small silent breath in through your nose
  • Allow a small silent breath out through your nose  
  • Hold your nose with your fingers to prevent air from entering your lungs
  • Count the number of seconds until you feel the first distinct desire to breathe in

Simple and easy, “et voila” you have measured your BOLT-Score! To keep it easy, anything under 25 seconds leaves a lot of room for improvement! If you‘re an athlete, you‘d better aim for 40 seconds.     

Nitric Oxide and the nose

There is one biochemical aspect to nasal breathing I skipped, Nitric Oxide (NO).

It is released in the nasal airways in humans. During inspiration through the nose this NO will follow the airstream to the lower airways and the lungs. Nasally derived NO has been shown to increase arterial oxygen tension and reduce pulmonary vascular resistance, thereby acting as an airborne messenger (Lundberg 2008).                                                                   

Since NO is continuously released into the nasal airways the concentration will be dependent on the flow rate by which the sample is aspirated. Thus, nasal NO concentrations are higher at lower flow rates (Lundberg and Weitzberg, 1999).

 The benefits of nasal breathing

So let us have a look at the benefits of breathing through our nose. Normally it should be quite obvious, I mean it‘s a nose, so what do we think it is supposed to do. But mankind seems to be more and more unsure about what they are or who or what they want to be, or not.

Therefore it is no wonder that we even unlearned to breathe through our nose and used our mouth instead…which obviously is for eating!

Dr. Maurice Cottle who founded the American Rhinologic Society in 1954 said that: “your nose performs at least 30 functions, all of which are important supplements to the roles played by the lungs, heart, and other organs.” (Timmons, 1994).

The nasal cavity has a fundamental role in the physiology of respiration. It promotes filtering, heating and humidification of the inhaled air, causing it to reach the lungs at the ideal temperature and favoring the adequate oxygenation of the body.

According to McKeown nose breathing imposes approximately 50 percent more resistance to the air stream than mouth breathing during wakefulness, resulting in 10-20 percent more O2 uptake, it warms and humidifies incoming air and removes a significant amount of germs and bacteria (McKeown, 2017).

SpO2 – Saturation of Oxygen in your periphery

Measures peripheral oxygen saturation (Spo2) to give a close approximation of the saturation of arterial blood with oxygen (Sao2). What percentage of hemoglobin (Hb) is loaded with O2.

To measure this you need a noninvasive pulse oximeter [affiliate link]. This device will

use two lights- red light and infrared light. Oxygenated hemoglobin absorbs more infrared light and allows more red light to pass through. Deoxygenated hemoglobin allows more infrared light to pass through and absorbs more red light.

Whith this device applying exercises is more accurate as you can measure, and what‘s measurable is manageable!

SpO2 measurement, using a pulse oximeter, source: © Oxygen Advantage.

My biggest takeaway

As I mentioned in the introduction of this article I did not only read Patrick‘s book “The Oxygen Advantage” [affiliate link] but also took his Instructor Certification where we had live classes with Patrick himself!

After having successfully passed the exam (yes, there is a mandatory test with over 80 multiple choice questions) and a case study over four weeks with two clients/patients you have to submit I became one of the first certified OA instructors in Germany.

A single blog article is by far not enough to describe everything we have learned during this literally breathtaking seminar and of course I cannot give away all the techniques here for free.

But I will give you a sneak preview at some of the awesome techniques and will tell you MY biggest takeaways. If you are interested in a depth coaching, please send me a mail to: or if you like to be treated as a patient mail to

My biggest takeaways:

  • Breathe slow, light but deep (learn to reuse my diaphragm properly)
  • Create “air hunger” to get used to less O2 intake and the accumulation of CO2
  • Tape my mouth during sleep to increase nose breathing time even during sleep
  • Breathe less, reduce my respiratory rate
  • Train with my mouth closed only using nasal breathing or use OA “Sportsmask”
  • Cadence breathing, in for 4 seconds and breathe out for 6 seconds, keep this cadence over the whole day if possible

A glimpse at one of the exercises

Now I will show you one of the techniques you can start right away with. It is suitable for everyone but please keep in mind that if you have any medical issues or if you are pregnant in the first trimester, please do not do this exercise. Consult a physician first!

The exercise is called:

Warm up with many small breath holds (performed sitting down for 2.5 minutes)

Oxygen Advanage® exercise #1, source: © Oxygen Advantage.

The objective of this exercise is to gently prepare the body for a tolerable feeling of breathlessness. By holding the breath for short periods of time, the gas nitric oxide (NO) slightly pools inside the nasal cavity and the gas carbon dioxide (CO2) slightly increases in the blood. Upon resumption of breathing, breathe in so as to carry NO from the nasal cavity into the lungs. As you hold your breath, you may feel a light hunger for air. This signifies that the gas CO2 is increasing in your blood. Both gases play an important role in opening airways, improving blood circulation and allowing more oxygen to be delivered to the cells. This exercise is ideal for a warm up, to help reduce stress, asthma symptoms and breathing recovery following physical exercise.


  •  Introduce air hunger
  • Calming exercise in times of stress
  • Emergency exercise to help with asthma, panic attack & hyperventilation

Sports Mask, Buyteko Belt and other gadgets

For all the gadget lovers out there, yes, there are Oxygen Advantage gadgets, too. It‘s the “Sports Mask” and a special belt to enhance diaphragmatic breathing, called the “Buyteko Belt”.

And of course it is beneficial to use a pulse oximeter [affiliate link] to measure/monitor your blood oxygen level. For a better ventilation you can also use nasal dilatator [affiliate link] during sleep and during training.

In the picture below you can see me wearing Patrick‘s “Sports Mask” during training, while applying the Oxygen Advantage technique.

Me, during training, wearing the Oxygen advantage mask, called: “Sports Mask”, source: © Bernd Stößlein.

Just another mask for training you think? Think again, cause this one is intended to be used for nasal breathing! I use it to:

  • Reduced breathlessness during my training
  • Improve my functional breathing
  • Improve my aerobic performance
  • Strengthen my core and breathing muscles
  • Delay onset of fatigue and lactic acid
  • Improve my overall fitness level

The next picture shows you another OA device, called the “Buyteko Belt”:

Buyteko Belt, © Oxygen Advantage.

It might be used for:

Achieve an optimized breathing the easy way. May reduce snoring, assist when you suffer from sleep apnea, asthma, stress, anxiety & other breathing related conditions. Enhance and Support your Oxygen Advantage® Practice.


Now this article is intended to be my introduction for you into the world of Patrick McKeown`s Oxygen Advantage. It shows you the basic principles behind this breathing technique and how I do use it for myself to improve not only my physical performance.

As promised, now all the “dots” I gave you might connect and give you a bigger picture of the Oxygen Advantage. The following picture will sum everything up:

How all the Oxygen Advantage® dots are connected, source: © Oxygen Advantage.

If you liked this article please share it with your friends and leave a comment.

© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.

To get coached, send a mail either to: or to be a patient to :

Disclaimer 1:

The Oxygen Advantage® Workout is perfectly safe for the vast majority of people, however it does include some powerful exercises similar to performing high-intensity interval training. Just as high-intensity exercise is suited only to those with reasonably good health and fitness, those with any medical issues should perform the workout only with the consent of your medical practitioner. Whilst some exercises are challenging they should never feel stressful. Elements of this workout are not suitable if you are pregnant.


Oxygen, source:, access: 7.10.19.

Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 99.

Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 100.

Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 107.

Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 117.

Lateinisch-griechischer Wortschatz in der Medizin, S. 155.

Blood, Sweat, and Buffers: pH Regulation During Exercise Acid-Base Equilibria Experiment Authors: Rachel Casiday and Regina Frey, source,, access: 7.10.19.

Thoracic Diaphragm, source: acess, 8.10.19.

Lundberg JO. Nitric Oxide and the Paranasal Sinuses. Anatomical Record (hoboken, N.j. : 2007) 2008291 (11), 1479–1484 DOI: 10.1002/ar.20782.

Lundberg, J. O. N.; Weitzberg, E. Nasal Nitric Oxide in Man. Thorax 199954 (10), 947–947.

Timmons, B. H.; Ley, R. Behavioral and Psychological Approaches to Breathing Disorders; Plenum Press: New York, 1994.

Disclaimer 2:

All contents of this article are not salutary statements. The diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other physical disorders requires treatment by doctors, naturopaths or therapists. The information in this article is based solely on personal experience and only informative, they should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. The risk associated with a wrong diagnosis or treatment can only be achieved through the involvement of a medical practitioner, alternative practitioner or be reduced by a therapist. As far as in this article an application, dosage or a specific, medical or nutritional therapy procedure is mentioned, no guarantee can be taken over. Each reader is required to determine, by careful examination and, where appropriate, after consulting a specialist, whether the given recommendations and benchmarks are accurate in the specific case. Any dosage, application or therapy is at the reader’s own risk. The author dissociates himself from any healing statements or promises. From a conventional medical perspective, the effectiveness of the methods is not proven.

Circadian Rhythm and Chronotypes

There has always been a debate if those two types of people really exist. I’m speaking of the owl and the lark. The “owl” tends to be the real “Batman” or so to speak “Owlman”, staying up late and feeling comfortable and productive during the night, beating up bad guys in the streets of Gotham City – or wherever “Owlman” would live…

The lark however tends to be the so called “early bird” and lives according to the motto: “The early bird catches the worm”.

But let’s discuss if those two chronotypes really exist or whether it’s just a subjective point of view thing. Like i.e. New York Times Best Selling Author Tim Ferriss, who claims to be especially productive after midnight.

A good read by Ferriss by the way is his book “Tools of Titans” [Affiliate Link], where you can find me on page 80.

The term “chrono/type” derives from Greek: chronos = time and Greek: typtein/Typus = to beat  (Becher et al. 1995). It (the term) is used in the study of circadian typo/logy. The suffix -logy again is Greek: logos = speaking, word, talk (Becher et al. 1995).

The Merriam Webster Dictionary describes chronotype as:

the internal circadian rhythm or body clock of an individual that influences the cycle of sleep and activity in a 24-hour period.” (Merriam Webster, 2019).

Kivelä et. al. further describe chronotype and its functions as:

Circadian rhythmicity in humans is apparent in a wide range of biological and behavioral functions, from hormone secretion and body temperature to sleep-wake patterns and socialization. These endogenous diurnal variations are determined by time “chrono,” and controlled by our internal circadian clocks and external environmental cues “zeitgebers,” such as light” (Kivelä et al., 2018).

There might be a third Chronotype or how I call it, the “Pigeon-Type”

Following the analogy of the owl and the lark, there seems to be another chronotype – or “bird” -,  the so called “intermediate type” which tends to be a reflection of the vast majority (60%) of people (Adan et al., 2012).

Now it would be interesting to find a bird that resembles those sleep patterns. If you find something appropriate, please let me know J

For so long I’d like to call the intermediate type, the “pigeon type” (Ó 2019, B.Stößlein), as pigeons might be one of the most common birds.

According to the bird-chronotype analogy there seem to be three types of people:

1. The morning type (the lark)

Figure 1: Chronotype “lark”, source: Pixabay.

Likes to go to bed rather early and therefore wakes up in the wee hours of the morning. According to that those people achieve the peak of their mental and physical performance mostly in the early part of the day.

2. The intermediate type (the pigeon)

Figure 2: Chronotype “pigeon”; source: Pixabay.

As described above this individual lies between the morning and the evening type.

The “pigeon type” resembles 60% of the population and therefore seems to be the most common chronotype. That’s why I call it the “pigeon type”. It’s everywhere…and please don’t give me this shi** that pigeons are flying rats. Nothing can be further from the truth!

3.The evening type (the owl)

Figure 3: Chronotype “owl”; source: Pixabay.

The evening type is simply the opposite of it’s morning counterpart. What indicates the evening type is: achieving peak in the end of the day, staying up late and therefore waking up rather late the next morning.

Now the question arises in which “bird category” you fall and if you’re born as a special “bird” or if you’re able to “shapeshift” throughout your life, adapting to life’s circumstances i.e. work.

Traditionally questionnaires , like the so called “Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire” (Horne and Östberg, 1976) and the “Munich Chronotype Questionnaire” (Roenneberg et al., 2003) are commonly used to determine which chronotype you are.

The importance of the Circadian Rhythm

A well timed circadian rhythm (CR) is mandatory due to several reasons, i.e. “ […] the circadian preference can influence physical and mental health, in terms of well-being, but also sickness and disease (Basnet et al., 2017).

Furthermore  the increased prevalence of evening types among patients with mood disorders, substance abuse, and sleep disturbances seems to have been proven (Fabian et al., 2016; Au and Reece, 2017; Melo et al., 2017).

The importance doesn’t stop there, though. The CR also seems to have an effect on the activity of the brain, the body’s core temperature, how well the heart and respiratory system work, coagulation and on the immune system (Chan et al., 2012).

Chan et al. moreover state, that the CR seems to influence i.e. also the following:

  • mitochondrial metabolism,
  • protein expression,
  • enzyme activity,
  • redox cycles,
  • DNA repair
  • cell regeneration

How does the Circadian Rhythm work?

To make a long – and rather complicated story – short: it has to do with the regulation/secretion of hormones in positive and negative feedback loops. Rhythmicity is then regulated by numerous transcription factors. Up to today about 10 have been identified (McKenna et al., 2017).

Some central ones of them are supposed to be:

  • Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput (McKenna et al., 2017)
  • Period (Thaiss et al., 2016; Esquifino et al., 2007; Dunlap, 1999).
  • Cryptochrome circadian clock (Thaiss et al. 2016; Esquifino et al., 2007)
  • Brain and muscle ARNT-like 1 (Kusanagi et al., 2008)

According to Bozek et al.: “It is estimated that one-third of all gene activity is regulated by this intracellular ‘clock’” (Bozek et al., 2009).

Furthermore, Lim et al. found out that: “Polymorphisms in clock genes determine important phenotypes, such as sleeping behaviour, which varies between individuals across a spectrum from ‘morningness’ (early birds) to ‘eveningness’ (night owls).” (Lim et al., 2012).

Therefore it’s no wonder that these factors “ […] also appear to influence the time of peak performance in athletes and may even determine the most likely hour of death.” (McKenna et al., 2017)

The quote about the athletes’ performance derives from the Article:

The Impact of Circadian Phenotype and Time Since Awakening on Diurnal Performance in Athletes, from 2015.

So, to sum things up: We now have a more in depth view how complicated it actually is to “decode” the mechanism of the human CR. But while seeing its difficulty we should now draw attention to the simplicity of its potential regulation.

According to that I’ll now give you some ideas of how I am trying to optimize/regulate/ “re-time” my CR for an optimum, by using tools of Photobiomodulation, like the Re-Timer® and the “Valkee” from HumanCharger®.

Photobiomodulation/ Low Light Laser Therapy

I’ve shown you an accumulation of modern day research/studies and state of the art knowledge research concerning the CR. Now I’d like to give you my reviews and thoughts about the subject and cool tools and techniques I’ve been using  for quite a while (August 2019).

The Re-Timer® – Melatonin’s Kryptonite ?

Photo/bio/modulation is an awkward term and basically means something like “treatment using light”.

Actually the term is broken down from Greek phos, photos  = light (Becher et al., 1995), Greek bios = life (Becher et al., 1995) and Latin modulation = The variation and regulation of a population, physiological response, etc./ The process of applying a signal to a carrier, modulating (Wiktionary, 2019).

So when it comes to CR it is mandatory to take a proverbial “look” at the spectrum of light and its influence to the human body!

Figure 4: A schematic picture of a triangular prism and how it splits light into its spectrum of different colors; source: Pixabay.

A definition of “Light” is: […] electromagnetic radiation that specifically falls within a certain part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word “light” usually refers to visible light, meaning light that is visible to your eye and is responsible for your sense of sight. (International Lighting Vocabulary, 1987).

Furthermore light is: “[…] specifically defined as light that has a wavelength in the range of 400-700 nanometres (nm), which falls just between infrared light (which is light with longer wavelengths) and ultraviolet light (which is light with shorter wavelengths).” (Pravati, 2001; Buser et al., 1992).

This little excurse was necessary to get at least a glimpse on why/how the Re-Timer® is supposed to work.

Using this biohacking device means using special designed glasses (see picture) who direct blue-green light of specific wavelength within the spectrum of light, 500nm of illuminance 506 lux, to be precisely (Scott et al., 2018).

The RE-TIMER® [affiliate link] Glasses:

Figure 5: RE-Timer®, source: © RE-TIMER®.

This light is directed to the eye: “ […] “through 4 light emitting diodes positioned on the lower portion of the plastic frame ~20 mm from the eye. These light therapy glasses are recommended by the manufacturer for the treatment of sleep disturbances, jet lag and seasonal affective disorder, and have been shown to significantly alter circadian rhythms in healthy young adults” (Scott et al., 2018).

By the way, when I talk about a so called “biohacking” device I refer to the term as of the definition in the Merriam Webster Dictionary:

biological experimentation (as by gene editing or the use of drugs or implants) done to improve the qualities or capabilities of living organisms especially by individuals and groups working outside a traditional medical or scientific research environment

To be precise here’s a detailed overview of the used light technology and light spectrum intensity of the Re-Timer®:

Lighting technology 4 Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 0.1 watts, diffuser cover technology
Light spectrum intensity Green-blue 500 nm dominant wavelength, UV-free light High setting is 506 Lux lm/m² and 230 µW/cm² Low setting is 315 Lux lm/m² and 143 µW/cm² We have chosen an intensity range that balances high efficacy with safety.  Eyes are precious organs, and excessively higher intensities that may compromise this balance should be avoided.
Light pulse 50 to 166 hertz. Not suitable for those who suffer epilepsy or similar conditions.

Figure 6: Light technology and Light spectrum intesity of a RE-TIMER® device; source: © RE-TIMER®.

Are you what you eat or how your clocks tick?

So might it be the case, that we aren’t only what we eat respectively our microbiome absorbs but also how well our intracellular “clocks” tick?

Digging deeper into the function of the CR we now should take a look at its “central pacemaker” and how the hormone Melatonin is involved into it.   

Besides every cell having its very own “clock”, they all seem to be synchronized to this “central pacemaker”, which is supposed to be located in our suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus (Golombeck and Rosenstein, 2010).

Again, we here first have to decode the word supra/chiasmatic and hypo/thalamus to get things a bit easier to understand.

The term supra/chiasmatic derives from the Latin prefix supra- = above, and from Greek chiasma, chiasmatos = Crossing/Crossing of nervers or visual fibers (Becher et al., 1995). Nucleus is the Latin word for core (Becher et al., 1995).

Take a look at my pictures of the brain (cut in sagittal plain) below, to get a better imagination of where the SCN (blue dot) is approximately located in the human brain.

Figure 7: Approximate location of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, source: own picture.

So, the SCN is one of many cores, located within the Hypothalamus (red shape). The following image shows an approximately location of the Hypothalamus.

Figure 8: Approximate location of the Hypothalamus, source: own picture.

With this little and very brief overview it might be easier to understand that the SCN secretes the so called “chief circadian hormone” (Melatonin) through sympathic projections to the pineal gland (McKena, 2017).

Furthermore, it is supposed to be that:

During a typical light/dark cycle, pineal melatonin secretion begins between 9 and 11 pm, reaches a peak between 1 and 3 am and falls to baseline again between 7 and 9 am.” (Pevet and Challet, 2011; Brzezinski, 1997).

From the point of Glombek and Rosenstein “Melatonin acts at cell surface receptors within the central nervous system, where it regulates the sleep/wake cycle. It also acts on peripheral tissues, stabilising their circadian rhythms and aligning the phase relationships of different peripheral clocks.”

So get things a little more practical, you can simply say that you might use light (in a specific range) to adjust or “re-time” your circadian rhythm.

Let’s say you don’t go to bed between 9 and 11pm and do not wake up between 7 and 9 am, this might interrupt your CR respectively your sleep-wake-rhythm.

For example if you’re a shift worker, travel through different time zones (Jet-Lag) or it just  happens according to seasonality (in winter, when you do not have that much hours of light like in summer).

On the manufacturer’s website you can i.e. use a RE-Timer Jet-Lag Calculator which might help you dealing  with Jet-Lag.

With all these issues using the light of a Re-Timer® might help. I give you my personal experience with it.

How I experienced the Re-Timer®

When it comes to the different birds, I’m definitely an owl. I like to stay up late and sleep long in the morning. I sometimes stay up until 3:30am, sleep up to 11 o’clock. Having used the Re-Timer® just for one week (6days on, 1 day off) seems to really have “re-timed” my CR.

I now get tired around midnight and wake up aroung 8/9 am. What really surprised me was how fast this effect occurred! Another positive thing to mention is definitely no more tiredness in  the afternoon around 15/16 pm.

At the moment of writing this (August 2019) I cannot yet give personal experience how this might work in winter. But I’ll post my updates here, letting you know.

The Re-Timer® [affiliate link] comes in a decent box that protects your glasses while travelling. You can switch between two modes, which are indicated by two LEDs on the right earpiece.

Figure 9: Carry case of the RE-TIMER®, source: © RE-TIMER®.

Also located on the right side is the Re-Timer’s battery LEDs. If you wear the Re-Timer® it’s timed to 60 minutes and will automatically switch off after an hour.

If I wear it and look out of the window (especially to white surfaces or a grey sky) I  see everything with a light red touch. This stops immediately after taking the device off.

Human Charger ® – Sun in your ears?

Another of my Photobiomodulation-Tools I’ve been using for quite a while now is the so called “Valkee” made by a company from Finland, named “Human Charger®” [advertisement, not payed]. It looks like a little MP3-Player which basically “lights up your ears” through earbuds (see photo).

Figure 10: Valkee by Humancharger®; source: © Humancharger®.

The science behind it is quite simple:

The human brain seems to be inherently sensitive to light and the human brain is supposed to react to transcranial extraocular light.

In his study/Doctoral Dissertation: “Effects of transcranial light on molecules regulating circadian rhythm” Antii Flykman writes that:

Light acts as the most important regulating and entraining factor of the mammalian circadian rhythm. This rhythm has evolved to set phases, in which different physiological and behavioral events occur at the right time of the day to synchronize the organism. The mechanism of light transduction via eyes to the brain and its effects on circadian rhythmicity is well known […]” (Flykman, 2018).

In another scientific study/Dissertation researchers found out that:

“[…] The light signal is traditionally assumed to only be mediated via the eyes. Recent studies have suggested the existence of putatively light sensitive structures in the rodent and human brain and penetration of light into the skull and brain tissue has been observed. The brain activation observed during transcranial bright light (TBL) exposure indicates a direct light responsivity of brain tissue […]” (Jurvelin, 2018).

To keep thing easy this just means, that humans seem to also have light receptors in their ears and that this light might reach their brains (through the scull bone) also “through the ear” instead of only through our retina.

Figure 11: Light sensitive areas of the brain, source: © Humancharger®.

Retina by the way derives from Latin rete = net (Becher et al., 2019). In German there’s a more accurate translation to retina “Netzhaut”. Literally translated that would be “net skin”.

The picture below gives you a little overview about the anatomy of a human eye, just in case you feel a little “lost in translation” 😉

The retina is the innermost, light-sensitive layer of tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs. The optics of the eye create a focused two-dimensional image of the visual world on the retina, which translates that image into electrical neural impulses to the brain to create visual perception, the retina serving a function analogous to that of the film or image sensor in a camera.” (Wikipedia, 2019).

Figure 12: Anatomy of a human eye, Source: Pixabay.

A study from 2017 indicated though, that a special photopigment (melanopsin (OPN4)) i.e. – which is especially reactive to blue light – is also located within the human brain and not exclusively in humans’ retinas (Nissilä et al., 2017).

In a research article named “Human Brain Reacts to Transcranial Extraocular Light”, Sun et al. documented their investigation whether the human brain is sensitive to extraocular light (Sun et al., 2016).

Extraocular again is a medical term that can easily be split into extra/auricular and be “decoded” into: the Latin prefix extra = outlying, outside and Latin oculus = eye (Becher et al., 1995). So extraocular means = “lying outside of the eye”.

Transcranial can be “decoded” into trans/cranial which is the composite of the Latin prefix trans- = over/across/beyond and Latin -respectively – Greek kranion = skull (Becher et al., 1995).

They (Sun et al.) draw the conclusion that:

 “Extraocular light delivered through the ear canals was shown to penetrate at the base of the scull of a cadaver. Thus, we have shown that extraocular light impacts human brain functioning calling for further research on the mechanisms of action of light on the human brain.” (Sun et al., 2016).

Although this study was performed on a scull of a cadaver (*see Literature for explanation) it this showed that light – applied through the ear canal – seems to have reached the cadaver’s brain!

Furthermore, there was also ongoing investigation on healthy, living subjects (18 young males).

Extraocular light was delivered using a commercial Bright Light Ear Headset (NPT1100, Valkee Oy, Oulu, Finland; […]). UV-free and blue-enriched LED light with maximum of 3.5 Lumens was presented via both ear canals. The light has a photon density of 1.13 ×  photons ·  ·  with a peak in the blue region around 448 nm” (Sun et al., 2016).

The bold accentuation was added by me!

Figure 13: The core photosensitive brain areas and their functions, source: © Humancharger®.

According to the application of extraauricular light you might also find the following studies interesting:

  • Transcranial bright light and symptoms of jet lag: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial (Jurvelin et al. 2015)
  • Transcranial light affects plasma monoamine levels and expression of brain encephalopsin in the mouse (Flyktman et al. 2015)
  • Effects of bright light treatment on psychomotor speed in athletes (Tulppo et al. 2014)
  • Transcranial bright light exposure via ear canals does not suppress nocturnal melatonin in healthy adults –a single-blind, sham-controlled, crossover trial (Jurvelin et al. 2014)
  • Altered resting-state activity in seasonal affective disorder (Abou-Elseoud et al. 2014)
  • Transcranial bright light treatment via ear canals in seasonal affective disorder: a randomized controlled double-blind dose-response study (Jurvelin et al. 2014)
  • Stimulating brain tissue with bright light alters functional connectivity in brain at the resting state (Starck et al. 2012)
  • Can transcranial brain-targeted bright light treatment via ear canals be effective in relieving symptoms in seasonal affective disorder? A pilot study (Timonen et al. 2012)

I find it quite amazing how many studies and investigational research is actually going on these days of how specific wavelength of light or light in general may affect the human body.

If you take a little time for yourself and dig a little into latest research (see list above) you’d be probably amazed, too.

Therefore I consider the topic of photobiomodulation much more as merely some “biohacking-stuff” but much more of common sense and “state of the art” information/knowledge.

If you want to know how light in general might affect our bodies read my article:Biophotons: are all nutrition advices are merely  belief systems?”

Figure 14: Biophotons, source: own picture.

My own experience with the “Valkee”

From my point of view the “Valkee” is a very convenient tool for Photobiomodulation. As I’m writing on this article (August 2019) it’s summer and I’d like to wait how I might experience a difference in the Valkee’s effect on my body during winter. I’ll keep you informed and will update this article.

Up to now I can say that the valkee is very easy to use, it’s a “plug and play”. There is only one button you can press, that starts the “treatment” and the LEDs on the circle indicate the remaining time, automatically switching off when 12 minutes are over.

My ears haven’t got “hot” nor have I experienced any uncomfortable heat in my ears while using the “Valkee”.

I use it pretty much every day (6 out of 7).


As you might see, a single article is by far way too short to cover all the myriads of interesting effects all kind of lights might have to the human body.

That’s why I focused in this article on only two Photobiomodulation tools I’ve been using recently to share my personal experience because – in my opinion –  “sharing is caring”.

When it comes to the Circardian Rhythm I’ll always be rather an owl than a lark. So I was quite amazed when I started using the Re-Timer® [affilaite link] as well as the “Valkee” by “Humancharger®”.

Figure 15: My recent Photobiomodulation tools, source: own picture.

Having stayed up (voluntary) until about 3:30 every night I first didn’t believe those “tools” would have any noticeable effect, or if they might have, it would take probably weeks to notice.

Get me right, I haven’t had any sleep disorders but I just enjoyed staying up while everybody is still asleep. Just to embrace the silence and solitude (don’t mix this up with loneliness, big difference!).

So, being some kind of “human guinea pig” I tried both devices in combination. I wake up, get my 12 minutes of “sunshine in my ears” and put on my “Re-Timer-Galsses” for a treatment of 60 minutes.

Having used it for 6 consecutive days my CR went back to “normal”. I  now get tired around 11/12 pm, go to bed and wake up pretty much accurate around 8/9 am!

I don’t have this little tiredness in the afternoon which would “hit” me around 15/16 o’clock anymore.

So, for me, those tools seem to work which is why I’ll keep them in my “biohacking tool box”.

Last but not least I’d like to mention that I’ve been using so called blue light blocking apps/software on my smartphone as well as on my laptop. So if you like/have to stay up late and do your research, work, whatsoever, you might draw this in consideration.

These apps/software is commonly for free and you might find it probably for any provider.

© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.

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Effects of transcranial light on molecules regulating circadian rhythm

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Retina, Source:, access 11.8.19.

Sun, L.; Peräkylä Jari; Kovalainen, A.; Ogawa, K. H.; Karhunen, P. J.; Hartikainen, K. M.; Hamblin, M. Human Brain Reacts to Transcranial Extraocular Light. Plos One 201611 (2) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149525.

* ”(The study protocol was approved by the Regional Ethical Committee of Tampere University Hospital with permission number R09097. In Finland when a study has ethical committee approval and an autopsy is routinely done as is Extraocular Photosensitivity of Human Brain PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0149525 February 24, 2016 4 / 12 the case with sudden death, no next of kin consent and no previous permission from the diseased subject or their relatives is required, […]” (Sun et al., 2016).

The Diaphragm is our biggest and most important muscle when it comes to breathing. In this article I’ll investigate if the diaphragm can strength our mysterious “core”.

Already in an earlier article I talked about strengthening the core while using an inspiratory muscle training device. You can read about it here (German).

In this article I’ll go a little further and discuss diverse breathing techniques and how to use them to strengthen the “core”.

Using these techniques might – indirectly – lead to increased hull stability especially during bench press, overhead presses, squats and deadlifts.

Furthermore, I’ll introduce you to an innovative “breathing tool”, the “Breath Belt”.

Diaphragm – you inner roll cage for more power during strength training

In order to make a car more buckling resistant and to enhance safety and performance you install a roll cage.

Similar benefits might occur after having regularly trained your diaphragm. Consequent training of this breathing muscle might lead to its hypertrophy.

In this context researchers investigated the connection between the thickness of the diaphragm and its effects on breathing and power with world class powerlifters (Brown et al. 2013).

How is it possible that strengthening the diaphragm might lead to create more output in exercises like deadlifts, bench press or squats?

 Let’s have a brief look on the anatomy of the diaphragm

To make a long story short the diaphragm (orange in the picture) is located under the right and the left lung (see picture). It (the diaphragm) divides the body within into the thorax and the abdomen.

For our respiration the diaphragm plays an important role, if not THE most important role of all respiratory muscles. A detailed overview of the respiratory muscle can be found in another of my articles, here (German).

Diaphragm – The real core?

What effects to exercises like squats, bench press or deadlifts do have on our respiratory muscles? In my opinion that’s an interesting question that hasn’t been asked so often in this particular way.

Regarding its sheer size it should be obvious that the diaphragm might have a big influence on the buckling resistance.

To answer the question above, exercises like e.g. squats, bench press or deadlifts create a huge intraabdominal impact. This happens first of all through contractions of the abdominal muscles as well as the diaphragm or midriff as it’s also named (Al Bilbeisi and McCool, 2000; and DePalo et al., 2004).

The diaphragm then forms, together with the abdominal muscles (transversus abdominis & rectus abdominis muscle) and the spine, a kind of “roll cage” for better stabilization of the body trunk (Brown et al., 2013).

By mere strength training not only the skeletal muscles are strengthened, but also the respiratory muscles, and in particular the diaphragm (DePalo et al. 2004).

Now the question arises, if you cannot improve your performance in strength training by targeted training of the diaphragm, by strengthening the trunk from the inside out by giving it – figuratively – a (stronger) “roll cage”.

“You cannot fire a canon from a canoe”

In terms of weight training, this means that you require to do exercises such as bench presses, squats, deadlifts to achieve strong performance.

For example, you can have very strong legs, but a comparatively weak lower back. Here, then, the well-known saying about the chain, which is only as strong as its weakest link fits in.

The same applies to the core muscles and the respiratory muscles (= diaphragm), which can stabilize you from the inside out, if you strengthen them right!

In the fitness industry there is always talked of “core exercises” and there is a confusing flood of videos, articles, etc. about it. But each trainer defines “core” differently, and it is hardly defined exactly what he or she really means by “core”.

I like to look out of the box. In this example, we look inside, IN the box. Because too many people have looked out of the box. The real journey in life is always the journey to your inner self. Not only speaking in a spiritual way but also in our example here, the physical body.

More diaphragm force and thus more air?

In addition to a strong trunk by an internal strengthening this also raises the question of how a stronger diaphragm can provide a better ventilation of the lungs and thus a more efficient oxygen exchange and a deeper breathing.

Strong diaphragm vs. Lifting Belts

Also interesting in the context of the article, is the question whether you should now wear a weight-lifting belt or rather work on a stronger diaphragm.

Such questions probably fall into the same category as: “Should one use draw loops in the deadlift or not?” In this context, general statements are probably rather difficult.

It should be clear that e.g. in deadlift, wearing a weight-lifting belt increases the intra-abdominal pressure, as the trunk is squeezed when performing the exercise (Harman et al. 1989).

Ultimately, this is simply due to the mechanical pressure of the belt and this is the intention. When lifting very heavy weights, a belt probably has a purpose simply to prevent disc protrusions or herniated discs.

The disadvantage of the belt is in its function itself, because any stabilization that comes from the outside does not help to strengthen the hull. On the contrary, in the long term, it could even lead to a weakening! Long story short: For very heavy weights or maximum tests, a belt can serve well.

Nevertheless, one should work on the own stabilization of the trunk in the area of ​​the skeleton as well as the respiratory muscles. What also applies here it the approach: «Not either or», but «as well as»!

Diaphragm training / breathing training vs. Cardiovascular Training

Consideration in the context of strength training! Anyone who practices extreme endurance sports (for example, a marathon, etc.) should, of course, practice sport-specific training.

Cardiovascular training (CVT) is – in my opinion – performed in strength sports only to a limited extent with the aim of an aerobic endurance increase, but – in most cases – probably much more for the purpose of a more efficient oxygen supply to the skeletal muscle for body fat reduction.

The debate over how (High Intensity) Interval Training (HIIT) – such as sprints – are superior to conventional endurance training (“steady state cardio”), has been going on for decades, and there is probably no real clear outcome.

For efficiency reasons alone (invested time / resulting benefit), I would personally tend to interval training.

A 1980 American Journal of Medicine study of people suffering from quadriplegia (a form of paraplegia involving all four limbs) came to the following conclusion:

(…) The measurements were repeated after 8, 12 and 16 weeks of inspiratory muscle training consisting of inspiring for a period of 30 minutes daily, six days a week, against a resistance just sufficient to produce the electromyographic changes of fatigue. A significant and progressive increase in Pmmax and Pmcrit was found during the training (…) (Gross et al., 1980).

This short excerpt summarizes that breathing training (against inhalation resistance, NOT exhalation) in this study (over several months), etc. came to a significant increase in diaphragm strength and endurance.

Since these were persons with paraplegia whose diaphragmatic muscles were probably weakened by their condition, it remains to be discussed to what extent a similarly positive effect results in persons with an undisturbed diaphragm.

However, another study, “Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training in Elderly Women on Respiratory Muscle Strength, Diaphragm Thickness and Mobility” from 2014, has come in the same direction.

It came to the conclusion that inspiration training (from Latin in / spiratio = inhale) with moderate intensity strengthens the breathing, diaphragm thickness and diaphragmatic mobility in older women.

Respiratory muscle is also strengthened

If you have not read my first article on inspiratory muscle training (O2 Trainer by Bas Rutten – More power for your workout), here’s the summary:

The respiratory muscles include:

  • ·      Diaphragm
  • ·      Intercostal muscles (intercostal muscles, Latin inter = between, Latin costa = rib = Greek pleura)

The respiratory aid muscles include:

  • ·      Head turning (M. sternocleidomastoideus)
  • ·      Sawtooth muscles (Mm. Serrati)
  • ·      Pectorals (Mm. Pectorales)
  • ·      Stair muscles (Mm. Scaleni)
  • ·      Trapezius muscle (M. trapezius)

Inspiratory muscle training works on the same principles as skeletal muscle training. It is done against a resistance muscle work, which then – after appropriate regeneration – leads to adaptation.

In inspiratory muscle training, you breathe against increased resistance, forcing the respiratory and respiratory muscles to work harder.

Important: In my opinion, you should only inhale against a resistance and exhale without resistance. Unfortunately most (if not all) respiration masks do also restrict the exhalation.

Why I see the advantage only in an increased resistance of the inspiration, you can read here (German) again in detail.

Breath Belt – connection between diaphragmatic breathing and hip mobility

The “Breath Belt” is a waist belt developed by former National Football League (NFL) player Jesse Ohliger.

According to Ohliger’s own information, it came out of necessity for the development of the Breath Belt to solve his 10-year battle with chronic hip and back pain.

After several unsuccessful rehabilitation and consultation appointments with the – as he writes – “best” NFL and “NCAA” doctors, Jesse was forced to find out what was slowing his “progress.”

From his retrospective, this led to the tireless mission to help himself and countless other NFL and NCAA players with similar problems.

Using many different methods, such as yoga, classical pilates, anatomy and breathing techniques, he has developed the best “tool” for preventing back and hip injuries.

Many thanks to Jesse Ohlinger who kindly provided me with a Breath Belt for testing!

Ohlinger also writes that after more than a year – in which he visited other doctors, rehabilitation specialists and “Strength and Conditioning” – coaches – it became clear that everyone overlooked something.

From Jesse’s point of view, this was the connection between respiratory mechanics and optimal “hip functionality“. In his opinion, these systems are coupled together! I had direct contact with Jesse and he wrote to me:

(…) There are many reasons why it works, but the obvious one is this.  By actively resisting the constant tactile breath cues within the BB, you TURN ON (lengthen) all of the abdominals which TURNS ON (or unrestricts) the psoas/QL/Lats as the lumbar is forced to decompress by breathing. Unlike other “support belts” YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK or it won’t work.(…)”

From the ideas and approaches outlined above, the Breath Belt was born!

You can find the described tests in every search engine on the internet.

When / how does Jesse recommend wearing the Breath Belt?

In our contact he wrote me the following:

” (…) I have been the test dummy and have brutally tested the BB in pretty much any sitution in the gym or hiking/running. I have worn it for 8 straght hours tight as possible with softballs! Good news is im still alive lol and actually took a nap with it during that session (parasympathetic benefits). I recommend beginners use it for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day. Can begin when you wake up and go to bed, or try it simply when you drive to and from work. People wear it sitting at work, standing while giving speeches, or after a long stressful day (brings you into the present/parasympathetic benefits) (…)”


No matter what your level of performance is, or what your ambitions are (athletic), inspiratory muscle training is – in my point of view – a worthwhile thing.

There are different “tools” for implementation such as e.g. the Bas Rutten O2-Trainer or the Breath Belt.

Of course, not everyone immediately needs such “tools”. As with all training devices, it depends again on when you can use which “tools” and, most importantly, in order to get the most out of it.

Restrictive breathing training should, in my opinion, be limited to inspiration. All conventional breathing masks fall through the grid with it.

If you are interested in the Breath Belt, then you can order it here:  (advertising link) and remember: if the Psoas “fires” properly, then the Glutaeus muscles also “fire”. The hamstrings can then “relax”.

If you like this article, leave a comment and share it with your friends!

About the autor:

Bernd Stößlein holds a Bachelor of Arts in Fitness-Economics, a Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement, is an internationally known strength coach/personal-trainer from Germany, the inventor of the BAMBOO BENCH® a Ph.D doctoral candidate and a “Heilpraktiker” (complementary and alternative medicine practitioner/naturopath), former Men’s Fitness cover model etc.


Brown, P. I.; Venables, H. K.; Liu, H.; de-Witt, J. T.; Brown, M. R.; Faghy, M. A. Ventilatory Muscle Strength, Diaphragm Thickness and Pulmonary Function in World-Class Powerlifters. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2013113 (11), 2849–2855 DOI: 10.1007/s00421-013-2726-4.

DePalo, V. A.; Parker, A. L.; AI-Bilbeisi, F.; McCool, F. D. Respiratory Muscle Strength Training with Nonrespiratory Maneuvers. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal 200415 (2), 35–35 DOI: 10.1097/01823246-200415020-00007.

Al-Bilbeisi F; McCOOL FD. Diaphragm Recruitment during Nonrespiratory Activities. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2000162 (2), 456–459.

HARMAN, E. V. E. R. E. T. T. A.; ROSENSTEIN, R. I. C. H. A. R. D. M.; FRYKMAN, P. E. T. E. R. N.; NIGRO, G. E. O. R. G. E. A. Effects of a Belt on Intra-Abdominal Pressure during Weight Lifting. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 198921 (2), 186–190.

Gross D; Ladd HW; Riley EJ; Macklem PT; Grassino A. The Effect of Training on Strength and Endurance of the Diaphragm in Quadriplegia. The American Journal of Medicine 198068 (1), 27–35.

Disclaimer:  This article is for information purpose only! Additionally, it should be clear that I’m not making any guarantees or promises regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information presented. Before you start this training program consult a physician/medical doctor etc. The information provided in this blog post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this website.  You should understand that when you’re exercise with the Breath Belt or other described devices, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Bernd Stoesslein Personal-Training from any and all claims or causes of action. Bernd Stoesslein is not responsible for any damage that might occure using the described devices!

Gripedo [Advertisment/] is a great Strength-Training tool for developing some serious grip strength. It’s easy to attach to standard Olympic (or other) Barbells (with 50mm holding ficture) or can be used “old school” in a bucket of sand!

This “cool tool” offers you a bunch of different grip options for developing some gorilla-like grip. Learn how to use it properly and how to integrate it in your training routine to get the most bang for your buck!

If you wish to master hand strength [Affiliate Link] think about getting your hands on this tool and soon you won’t need to use a wrench anymore 😉 From wrist rolling over single handed deadlifts or rowing exercises.

 This tool will definitely bring you back some flair of the “good old gym days” where people used to blacksmith their forearms with real steel and not only their thumbs by posting gym selfies and tapping on their smartphones 😉

The story behind the Gripedo

The word „Gripedo“ comes from grip + torpedo = Gripedo, which is also illustrated by its cool shape.

It was invented by Emre Bardakci, a Biomedical Engineer with 25 years of strength training and experience in martial arts.  The original concept of this tool has its roots in rehabilitation but, over time, grew to a strength training product with a huge variety of usage.

Emre told me that he obtained Bachelors and Masters in Biomedical Engineering with some focus in Biomechanics.  He pursued these degrees due to his passion for Martial Arts, Strength training and human movement.  He has a black belt in judo, won a Silver Medal in Sambo US Open 2017 and trained martial artist from different backgrounds. So he seems to walk the walk instead of only talking the talk!

Emre furthermore says:

Gripedo in the sand application is mainly a concentric exercise and is great for conditioning the hands, wrists, forearms and the arm musculature as a whole.  This helps athletes with having strong, long lasting that does not easily fatigue during competition.  The sand application can also be a great rehabilitation, active recovery, injury prevention tool.   With the use of the pin, the Gripedo can be attached to pull up bars, sleds, loading pins which enable the user to do pull ups, deadlifts, goblet squats, etc.”

Having talked to Emre multiple times about his tool  he moreover told me the following:

The Gripedo sand application is great for building strength and endurance.  The Gripedo slips on to an olympic barbell for wrist/forearm rolls and supination/pronation exercises while gripping the ball handle.  Gripedo is a functional strength tool to train the hand, forearm and finger strength with many uses.”

Why should you have a stone crushing strong grip

Ok, when it comes to grip training, for me it’s more than just an optical thing. Of course any kind of proportional hypertrophy/muscular body looks nice and strong. But big muscles aren’t necessarily strong. Strange, but this is still confusing people although it’s absolute basic knowledge how to distinguish between strength and muscular hypertrophy.

This article is not intended to discuss this topic in detail. Only a very short reminder:

Strength is mainly a neuronal adaptation (intramuscular). It involves your so-called Central Nervous System (CNS). Muscular Hypertrophy describes how to enlarge muscle fibers in size.

To make a complex story short: Strength is how much weight you can lift (high training-intensity, low training )volume, whereas muscular hypertrophy is more about Bodybuilding kind of stuff (moderate intensity, more volume). 

Takeaway for Training: If you want to increase muscle size try to lower the weights more slowly. If your goal is to increase strength, focus on the lifting part of the weights.

So, mastering hand strength is probably a “dying art”. Ask yourself, when was the last time you saw someone doing forearm training in a commercial gym? Yes, there might occur some wrist curling here and there, but that’s probably all.

In times of Social Media where a good training seems to only happen if you post it on some account it’s no wonder that good old-fashioned training is no longer “appropriate”. In Gyms where you aren’t allowed to make sounds while e.g. performing heavy deadlifts or behind the neck press there won’t be some buckets full of sand to get a skull crushing grip 😉

But let’s move back to blacksmithing your forearms. Having a strong grip is crucial as the hand(muscle) is the angle point where the load of the force (weight) is transferred to the upper extremities.

You might have heard the proverb that a “chain is only as strong as its parts”. So if your arms are strong or your back might be strong, you might be able to lift a certain amount of weight, but if your hands open you’ll lose contact!

No problem, I’m just using lifting straps you might think. But I encourage you to think again! Lifting straps might work if you perform lift specific exercises, like deadlifts. But if you want to create a transfer effect to a special sports, e.g. any kind of Martial Arts, Climbing or Law-Enforcement (where you need to grip enemies, guns etc.) you simply cannot use straps.

What you need is a strong grip! Same for “normal” people in a non-sport related environment. Think of your grandma trying to grab a suitcase on her own, opening a jar or whatsoever. Being self-sufficient is important, if you might live alone.

If you have clients (even beginners or elderly people), encourage them to (re)master their hand strength. According to studies, hand strength is a more accurate predictor for overall health than your systolic blood pressure![1] It’s therefore seems to provide clues to heart health[2]

How to measure hand strength

Ok, you might think. Cool, but how do I measure hand strength and what do I do with the data? Simply compare it to other days and look for improvement. Yes, but you can also use it as kind of predictor whether to train or not!

For measuring grip strength you can simply use a hand dynamometer [Affiliate link].You might get some on Amazon but you can look for better ones in medical supply stores as well.

Here’s how to use it:

  • Measure your strength by gripping the Dynamometer (after a couple of rest days)
  • Do it in the morning after getting up
  • Grip it (standing) with your dominant hand (opposite food slightly forward)
  • Raise your hand overhead and while lowering the arm squeeze the Dynamometer as hard as you can
  • Repeat with your other hand
  • Record your results

I learned this simple technique by my mentor Charles R. Poliquin who was also known as “Strength Sensei” (R.I.P.)

He also recommended me to test every morning, at least when you’re planning to work out that day.

If your grip strength is below 2kg or more (compared to the day before) your CNS hasn’t recovered properly and you should better take another day off.  If your grip increased e.g. over 4kg Charles said you’re good to go, maybe even for a maximum effort day and some PRs.

So keep this simple trick in mind how to determine if someone’s ready to lift heavy or better to take another day off. It’s not only about how hard you work but how smart!

The muscles of the forearms

So, when it comes to training of the forearms, what actually can you train here? Let’s have a closer look:

Your forearms consist of basically two different compartments. The flexor- and the extensor compartment. A more medical term would be a ventral/anterior and dorsal/posterior compartment.

That means, if you want to flex your forearm you use the anterior/ventral compartment and if you extend your forearms it’s the posterior/dorsal compartment which does the job.

In order to move muscles, they must be innervated, by nerves. This is important as an improper movement function in muscles may be an issue of blocked/crushed nerves!

Therefore it’s good to know which nerve gives electrical power to which compartment. Just keep in mind, that’s basically the so called radial nerve, which innervates the posterior compartment  and the median and ulnar nerves, which innervate the anterior part.

Why do I tell you these things of basic anatomy? Because I think it’s important to know which muscles work, cause if you have a deeper knowledge of their function you can design a well-structured and efficient training program, using grip tools like the Gripedo [Advertisment Link] instead of just doing “some grip work”.

I know, that this might be a bit “boring” but let’s see how things are working in your forearms before we move on to some exercises you can perform for grip training.

If you’re completely new to strength training related anatomy I recommend you to buy this book [Affiliate Link] and learn some new stuff.

Forearm Flexor compartments

The flexor compartment of your forearms consists of the following muscles (including their function). I’m not including all of them, just the most important ones to give you a little overview.

Again, if you want to have a deeper knowledge, take a look at “Strength Training Anatomy”[Affiliate Link].

  • M. pronator teres –> pronates the forearm and does some light elbow flexion
  • M. carpi radialis –> flexes the forearm, flexes the wrist and does abduction
  • M. flexor carpi ulnaris –>flexes the wrist and does a strong adduction

Forearm Extensor compartements

If you can flex the forearms – of course – you have some antagonists which perform the job of extension. Let’s have a short basically overview here as well:

  • M. brachioradialis –> does elbow joint flexion
  • M. extensor carpi radialis longus –> performs a dorsiflexion and abduction
  • M. extensor carpi radialis brevis  –> same as above
  • M. extensor  carpi ulnaris –> does wrist extension and adduction
  • M. ancaneus –> lets you extend your elbow

Now we have taken a look at some (very basic) human anatomy of the forearms. If we know now how things are moving, we can figure out some workout routines, to make them stronger!

Gridpo excercises – Which & How to integrate ?

The “Original Gripedo” comes as 4 inch diameter Ball Handle. For those of you who (like we Germans) stick to the metric system, it’s a about 5,5 cm in diameter for the pipe (so it will fit perfectly on any 50 mm Barbells) and about 12 cm in diameter, for the Ball on the edge.

In this video [Advertisment/Werbung] I do show you some basic exercises with the Gripedo. Of course there are lots of other possibilities. Just be creative!

You can use the Gripedo e.g. as a “wrist roller”. This is a classic way of training forearms, but this time with a 5,5 cm diameter! Performing this “re-gripped” version of a classic exercise is very versatile, as you can roll up and down. Furthermore you can easily adjust the weight, e.g. using even tiny friction plates for the “perfect” weight.

Furthermore you can perform a variation of a single handed Deadlift. Just attach some weight (preferably loading pins) with a carabiner to your Gripedo and…give it a grip!

If you don’t have access to loading pins go and perform it on a cable tower. There you can also use the Gripedo for single-handed rowing exercises, triceps extensions and even more. Use your phantasy!

Are there any downsides of the Gripedo?

To be honest – in my point of view – there are no real “downsides”. But as a coach I do always look for things to improve. Having used the Gripedo for quite some time now I do really like it and include it in almost each of my own workouts. Just 10 minutes of additional grip work after the main part is done.

The only thing I’d improve would be some kind of knurling on the tool which would enable you a “better” grip. Cause if you have sweaty hands you might slip from the rather smooth surface of the Gripedo.

Of course you might use some chalk but I wouldn’t be a smart strength coach if I didn’t come up with some new and “out of the box” ideas to solve this problem (which isn’t a real problem, cause there are no problems).

A client of mine is a hardcore biking (cycling) professional. He told me about some special bike tapes, which are used for racing bikes. If you get one of these (available in different colors) you can wrap it around your Gripedo and, voilà!  (see picture)

If you want to know how to handle a tennis elbow or a golfer’s elbow, read my article.

Unfortunately the Gripedo doesn’t come with a rope to attach some weights on. But it does include a large splint which you can use to attach lifting straps on to. With this cool possibility you can use the Gripedo for vertical gripping and even attach it to any kind of cable.


When it comes to grip strength there’s only one possibility in my opinion: “a strong grip is never a weakness”, and there is no such thing as a too strong grip!

But there is certainly such a thing as a too weak grip. Improving gripping power not only improves probably all your upper body lifts, but also seems to be an indicator for overall health, cardiovascular risks and even general mortally!

Measuring grip strength with a dynamometer can be integrated in your morning routine, not only for coaches in order to determine how good your CNS has recovered from a hard workout and if you’re ready to lift again or better take another day off.

In my point of view the Gripedo is a tool to invest in. It’s durable and probably will last you a whole life long.  Although it doesn’t include a rope or carabiner it comes with a splint which adds a nice bunch of further exercises to perform with, e.g. cable rows, vertical grip training or variations of one handed deadlifts!

If you like this article please share it with your friends and leave a comment.

Author: Bernd Stoesslein, MBA in Sportsmanagement, “Heilpraktiker” (naturopath/complementary and alternative medicine practitioner).




Disclaimer:  This article is for information purpose only! Additionally, it should be clear that I’m not making any guarantees or promises regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information presented. Before you start this training program consult a physician/medical doctor etc. The information provided in this blog post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this website.  You should understand that when you’re exercise with the Gripedo, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Bernd Stoesslein Personal Training from any and all claims or causes of action. Bernd Stoesslein is not responsible for any damage that might occure using a Gripedo!

DRY ICE Tools (DIT)– are made by Furnace Industries. With these gadgets your workout is cool as ice and really nice! Originally these tools were invented to give you the most realistic possible experience of ice climbing indoors, without having to use sharp and harmful ice picks.

But, guess what, you can also use them in a regular (non climbing) gym for a great variety of different exercises. In this article you’ll learn more in depth about these cool tools and I’ll show you how you can integrate them into your training, not only to boost your climbing (grip)strength but also overall power using them in a structured sport specific training circle.

The article is also featuring actor, friend and my client Luciano Christobal Gassman Ferrada, presenting the DRY ICE Tools! You can also see Luciano in the 2018 Movie “The Happy Prince” by Rupert Evert, starring Colin Firth and Emily Watson!

DRY ICE Tools – Hooked on a Feeling

Hooked on a Feeling is a Song by “Blue Swede” (which was used in Guardians of the Galaxy btw) but it also describes the experience of using DRY ICE Tools as a training tool.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-23 um 19.54.47

Special thanks to Ben Carlson from Furnace Industries for supporting me with a pair of test DRY ICE Tools!

“If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail” (Proverb)

So, if you only use the same training tools you will eventually stick to training plateaus. Integrating new tools with different angles and grip positions will not only increase your (grip)strength but also enrich your workout enabling constant progression and bursting plateaus.

What makes the DRY ICE Tools really “cool tools” (#ItsAlwaysIceSeason) is the fact that they’re almost made entirely out of wood (except for the rubber lashes and their attachments).

When I first saw these tools I immediately wanted to have them – although I’m not a climber – as useful add on for my Personal -Training Gym. The first question that struck my mind was: “will they withstand heavy training, like e.g. weighted pull-ups?”.

Don’t worry, they will!! According to the manufacturer the strength of the DRY ICE Tools and ICICLES (a smaller version for kids) was tested at the Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research, Inc. of Youngstown, PA.

After the destruction of several tools, the average results showed that the tools can hold 3.8 Kn, or about 860lbs (390kg). So, even if you’d be a 150kg Athlete made out of pure rock hard solid muscle mass you could add (theoretically) another 240kg ;). Considering this the DIT are almost indestructible!

But even in the unlikely case that something might happen you could replace the rubber lashes without having to buy a complete new pair of DIT.

DRY ICE Tools – Sport specific training vs. transfer to every day life 

The Grip Edge (see photos) gives you a kind of “cutting edge” as – in some exercises – it’ll reduce the need of gripping power but enhances your pulling movements, recruiting more muscle fibers in your back.

This is an advantage if you want to focus on developing your back muscles and not your grip strength which gives the DIT a wider application and not only a sport specific use for ice climbers.

The Edge enables a smooth pulling movement while also reducing the possibility of slipping out of the grip (due to the edge). This works incredibly well for all kinds of pulling movements, like cable pull downs, cable rows, face pulls and so on.

Due to the design of the grips your wrist won’t stay in a neutral position but in a slightly abducted (ulnar flexion) positon (see photo).

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Some might argue now that the DIT’s grips are too ergonomically designed which eliminates a transfer to every day life. But keep in mind that they were originally designed to resemble their outdoor counterparts (see photo).

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Furthermore, pulling with a slight ulnar flexion shouldn’t be a problem as it also resembles every day life’s movements, like e.g. using a computer keyboard or driving in a car, grabbing the steering wheel.

Of course these might be one-sided movements, but these are not the only ones you should do…you should always train to keep your overall body structural balance in mind!

Would be the same as only doing chest training & biceps curls – to look cool in the club – while holding your drink and neglecting the other muscles 😉

DRY ICE Tools – A Training, best served cold

If you’re looking for a cool and of course structured way of integrating the DIT into your workout follow my “cold as ice circle” either to just get in shape and/or to improve your sport (climbing) specific performance, it’s always ice season 😉

Cold as Ice Circle

To get a rock hard body follow the instructions. The following plan is an example for climbers who want to integrate their DIT for a sport specific training:

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Time under Tension (TUT) = certain amount of time you perform the exercise, e.g. 4010 means: you lower the weight 4 seconds, you remain 0 seconds in the turning point and you lift it within 1 second, again 0 seconds at the top of the exercise, and so on.

The letters, stand for the different exercises, all performed in a row, at the end of one circle you rest for 120 Seconds and start again. Repeat this circle for 4-6 times. The abbreviation for “as many as possible” is “AMAP”. The letter “X” in the TUT stands for “eXplosive” (yet  controlled), BB = Barbell, DB = Dumbbell


A – 45° DB (BAMBOO BENCH®) Bench Press; 6-8 reps; TUT: 4010, Rest: 0 Sec.

B – DIT Pull-Ups, neutral position; 6-8 reps; TUT: 4010, Rest: 0 Sec.

C – Standing Barbell behind the neck press; 4-6 reps; TUT: 4010; Rest; 0 Sec.

D-DIT-Facepulls; 8-10 reps; TUT: 3110; Rest: 0 Sec.
E – DIT Crunches; AMAP, TUT: 2010; Rest: 0 Sec.

REST: 120 Seconds.


A – DIT Cable Lunges: 6-8 reps; TUT: 5010; Rest: 0 Sec.

B – 45° Back extension, Reverse Snatch Grip with BB: 8-12 reps; TUT: 30X0; Rest: 0Sec.

C – Reverse Hyper: 10-12 reps; TUT: 20X0; Rest: 0 Sec. (Alternative Exercise: Glute Ham Raise)

D – DIT-Deadlifts: 5 reps; TUT: 4010; Rest: 0 Sec

E – DIT Abs

DRY ICE TOOLS – Additional Exercises 

Of course the above Strength Circles are only an example of useful exercises you can perform by using the DRY ICE Tools. To give you more input I’ll show you some more stuff you can either use with a Cablecross or different Bars/Loading Pins.

All these exercises are just a small view of what you can do. So just think of other stuff an be creative. Let me know about the exercises you came up with in the comments!

DRY ICE Pull-Up Variations:

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Narrow Pull-Ups, neutral grip position, shoulder with grip.

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Wide Pull-Ups variation.

Of course these are not the only Pull-Up variations! Just like other exercises with the DIT these could also be performed single handed.

DRY ICE Rowing Variations:

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Face-Pulls. Keep your shoulder blades puled back during the whole exercise. Perform an internal rotation with your hands and keep this position! pull back (using a cablecross), hands over shoulders, elbows above the ears.

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Seated rows in a squatting position. Can either performed double- or single handed! The squat position is superior to common seated positions, e.g. normally done on a Lat Pulldown.

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Narrow (shoulder with) grip, performed in a power rack, using a Barbell. Place the DIT in the Barbell and rack the BB. You can use different widths to do your rows. Be creative.

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DIT deficit rows, using a Barbell. Just like normal Barbell Rows, but with a changed strength curve due to lower center of mass.

DRY ICE Grip Training/Shoulder/Shrugs

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Shrugs performed with the DIT. Much more convenient. The grips enable you a more comfortable way of working your traps. 


As the famous song by Foreigner goes: “(…) You’re as cold as ice, you’re willing to sacrifice (…)” I’d add not “our love” but: “to gain more strength” 😉 That motto fits perfectly for the DRY ICE Tools!

These cool tools are absolutely worth the investment of only 119€ (sold as pair)! You can apply them for their originally designed purpose (simulating Ice Climbing indoors) and also take them to your (non climbing) gym!

The DIY are easily stored in pretty much every Gym Bag and are almost indestructible! What gives them a really nice touch is that they’re made out of wood. So you don’t have to touch some plastic stuff but nice smooth wood!

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Don’t finish when you’re tired. Finish when you’re done! Strength is never a weakness!

My recommendation as an internationally well known strength coach is to get a pair of these to put more special tools into your “tool box”. There’s even a smaller version (e.g. for smaller hands or kids) called “Icicles”.

Get your hands on a pair of these. You’ll find them on:

If you want to get professionally coached (on- or offline) please drop a mail:

 Subscribe to the free blog/newsletter and follow me on Facebook & Instagram for more content.



Biophotons (greek for: „bio “= life; und gr. „Photon“ = light) are Quantums of electromagnetic beams (ultraweak light).

 All known advanced antique cultures hold the belief that all humans have one or more ethereal “bodies” made out of light. Flesh and blood bodies were – so was it believed – made out of a coarser material.

Those of you prompt to deem this to be sheer nonsense need know that modern biophysics gives credence to this theory, since it has been proven that all living cells can store light. And that light coordinates all living activities.

Measuring theses “Biophotons” with modern cutting edge technology – such as photomultipliers – allows us to make aheadway in many interdisciplinary areas. So why shouldn’t we consider using them in strength training?

Special thanks to Luce Muzi who put a lot of effort in lecturing this article and for making it sound more like an english speaker. Merci beaucoup Luce! 🙂

Biophotons – At the beginning there was light 

The ubiquitous assumption of physics is that energy is spent whenever something moves. Energy cannot be created nor can it disappear according to the law of “law of conservation of energy”, it can only be transformed.

The same opinion is generally shared in the field of nutrition, where “energy” most likely relates to calories (kcal) in the form of macronutrients (fats, proteins, carbohydrates).

But is this true? Or is it another urban myth that can’t be rooted out of people’s mind? Are there other insights or view points?

On this topic, the physicist and Nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger said about 70 years ago:

 „(…) der Mensch ist kein Auto. Wir tanken nicht irgendwelchen Kraftstoff – sondern >>Ordnung<<“.[1]

 In English:

“(…) men are no cars. We aren’t fueled with some type of gasoline – but instead by >>Structure<<

Biophotons, order and Schrödinger’s cat 

Erwin Schrödinger was a world famous physicist from Vienna. We own him the “Schrödinger equation” that was named after him. It describes a basic congruence between the structure and order of microscopic matter (such as body cells).

Schrödinger, as an expert, had the increasingly rare ability to look beyond the proverbial “box” of his specialist area and view the world – in a metaphorical sense not just through a single perspective.

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Figure 1: “Schrödinger’s cat”, own representation.

In his book „Was ist leben“ („What is Life“) from 1945 he wrote:

„Der Kunstgriff, mittels dessen ein Organismus sich stationär auf einer ziemlich hohen Ordnungsstufe (einer ziemlich tiefen Entropiestufe) hält, besteht in Wirklichkeit aus einem fortwährenden Aufsaugen von Ordnung aus seiner Umwelt.“

In English:

„The concept of art, by means of which an organism is stationary on a rather high level of order (a rather deep entropy), consists in fact of a continual examination of order from its environment.”

Quantum physics; Schrödinger’s cat and the relationship to our diet 

Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961) was known for his thought experiment “Schrödinger’s cat” from 1935. According to this experiment, cats, together with a feed bowl, water, and a cyanide capsule, would be locked in boxes with the cyanide dangling from a string offthe boxes ceilings.

These boxes would then be e.g. shipped abroad in a steam boat and it could be calculated, according to probability equations, how many of the felines would take the lethal capsule down, eat them and die.

According to quantum physics, inter alia, that all “things” (waves and particles) can exist at the same time (interwoven), and that an observer, by his mere presence, demonstrably affects every experiment, the cat would arrive both alive and dead at the same time.

So, whether the cat is dead or alive would then be influenced or even caused by the observer’s opening the box (= experimental observer).

Thus, in this thought experiment, it is not a matter of whether or not the cat has eaten the cyanide capsule but up to the observer, which influences the condition of the cat by his “state” (= degree of his order / oscillation).

To better understand the subject, I recommend you the short video of “Dr. Quantum “, which gives a simple introduction to the world of quantum physics based on the well-known” double-column experiment “.

Well, what does Schrödinger want to tell us? What “structure” is he talking about, and what sort of “food” do we need to get „structured”?

German speakers, fortunate enough to use a very accurate language, ask each other everyday „Bist du in Ordnung?“ which means „are you alright?“ but literally translates as: „Are you in structure“? In fact, this „structure“ would refer to the „structure“ Schrödinger is talking about.

According to Schrödinger, “structure” relates less to the fact that “food” displays a certain caloric density, but rather that it transforms our body cells into a certain spatial and / or temporal “structure”  Let us look at what Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp has to say …

Are humans light-mammals? 

Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp, spiritus rector (the driving force and father of biophoton research in Germany) of the “International Institute of Biophysics” in Neuss, Germany, says:

„Wir sind primär nicht Kalorienfresser, auch nicht Fleischfresser, Vegetarier oder Allesfresser, sondern Ordnungsräuber und Lichtsäuger“.[2]

 In English:

 “We are not primarily calorie eaters, not carnivores, vegetarians or omnivores, but order robbers and light suckers”.


The word „Lichtsäuger“ would be literally translated by „light sucker“. What F.A. Popp means by that would better be described in English as „light-mammal“.

The fact that plants subsist from sunlight is hardly likely to be denied. But what does it look like in humans? Are we basically “walking plants” which, instead of an external root system, simply have an internal digestion (gastrointestinal tract) and yet feed ourselves on the light contained in our food?

Does it matter how much “energy” a “food” supplies in the form of calories / macronutrients, or rather how much light it contains and how much o fit is integrated to „structure“ our cells?

I strongly recommend the book by F.-A. Popp: “The message of food” to anyone interested in the topic of nutrition and looking for a distinctively new input. A book providing great information, which is also very eloquently written! Only available in German!

Biophotons, morphogenetic field, Gurwitsch and onions 

The Russian cell biologist Alexander G. Gurwitsch (1874-1954), influenced by the German developmental biologist (see “Froschschenkelexperiment”), philosopher and founder of the “neo-vitalism” Hans Driesch (1867-1941), is regarded as the discoverer of biophotons!

Gurwitsch followed his intuition, believing that there must be a “biological field” responsible for regulating organic and cellular processes.

According to Gurwitsch, this field drives and determines organic matter. Thus Gurwitsch created the concept of”morphogenetic field” (MF) (morpho = formforming).

More recently, the MF gained greater exposure thanks to Prof. Rupert Sheldrake, who applied it in the context of „collective consciousness,“ I won’t be discussing this any further in this article – due to the complexity of the subject.

Gurwitsch believed that living systems (humans, animals, etc.) are primarily determined by their spatial arrangement and not by their chemical processes.

Therefore, cells on a smaller scale (being the smallest functioning unit) and humans on a larger scale are not defined by biochemical processes, rather biochemical processes are defined by their structure (or order, German „Ordnung“)

The essence (the existence) of an organism is therefore its structure and not dependent on specific molecules.

According to Gurwitsch, the „great thing“/“the whole“ is more than the proverbial sum of the individual parts!  While investigating the biological and morphogenetic field in 1922 Gurwitsch made an observation which can be regarded as the actual inception of biophoton research.  Gurwitsch had observed cell division in plant experiments and discovered that the root cells of an onion were stimulated to increase cell division when the tip of a second onion root was directed its way.

He was able to repeat the same cell division-inducing effect in later experiments and could observe, in other plants as well as in animals, the formation of tissues with strong cell division activity.

Biophotons, information, light and coherence

Okay, let’s sum up what we have learned so far:

We know that biophotons are a form of ultraweak light, which determines whether our cells stay in a particular structure or if they tend to drift off in entropy, which could lead to disease – worst case scenario.

Whether something (here our cells) stands in structure or not, can also be described differently, namely are cells in formation (…like „information“).

How do you bring something in formation? Well, trough information! And what’s light? Another form of (electromagnetic) information, which brings our cells in formation.

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Figure 2: Relationship between light (food) and its information on body cells.

Too little light (information) àcells no longer stands in the right formation!

As soon as the human organism is no longer exposed to sufficient light, the cells are no longer properly informed and in the worst case can begin to deform.

Then this means that the 100,000+ chemical reactions that take place every second in our billions of cells might be disrupted. This can lead to dysfunctions (diseases)!

Are all nutritional strategies ultimately mere belief systems?

Cogito Ergo Sum (I think, therefore I am). This statement is attributed to the philosopher René Descartes who, in his work “Meditationes de prima philosophia” (1641), deals with the ability to recognize.

After the rather provocative statement that all nutritional strategies are ultimately based on beliefs, I can picture all the skeptics and hardcore “science-facts-fetishists” burrowing their frows and scratching their heads.

Cause finally someone who belives in something cannot know if it’s really evident, can he? Let me ask you a question: how can there be people who consume food, which from a nutritional physiological point can only be described as “fillers”?

How can it be that they do not suffer from any deficiencies and can even achieve top athletic performance? Well, must be the famous exceptions (which supposedly confirm the rule), and lie left and right of the Gausch normal distribution curve, right?

My random thoughts on food or: Is there a God? 

The illustration shows an individual (smiley) in the center.He has certain thoughts, beliefs and thus has formed or adopted concrete belief systems. I consider thoughts here as a form of energy or energy wave.

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Figure 3: My explanation for quantum physics, waves and particles.

Let’s stick to the nutrition example:

Let’s say our individual (smiley) deeply believes that pizza is THE best food to burn body fat, as well as build muscle and strength. We assume that this belief is deeply anchored and that there is not the slightest hint of a doubt!

This belief is never questioned by the smiley, and he now sends this belief to the quantum field or the use of unscientific formulation to a “higher mind, God.” In this quantum field ALL possibilities exist at the SAME “time”; They are thus interwoven with each other. (–> See “Schrödinger’s cat”)

The word time is in quotation marks, since with quantum physics time becomes a slightly different notion from what we generally accept– in accordance to a number of belief principles- that is, something different from that linear sequence measured from sunrise to sunset.

If our Smiley is convinced that Pizza is THE best food to burn body fat, as well as to build muscle and strength, the process of a materialization / realization of the “particle” can take place unhindered. By “particles” here I mean the molecular structure, since the pizza exists in “reality” and is made up of “particles” (i.e., atoms) rather than of intangible energy (waves).

This means that consuming pizza allows the physical body of our Smiley (made up of billions cells) to be structured / informed so that he actually loses body fat as well as builds muscle mass and strength – ALTHOUGH pizza is not – from a nutritional physiological point of view – the optimum food for these purposes!

Now, however, the inevitable question arises, why doesn‘t it work for all people?

Does belief move mountains nutrition teaching? 

Faith, of course, does move mountains. But why do some people (consciously or unconsciously) succeed in implementing the lifestyle described above whereas other obviously don’t?

 Here my attempt at an explanation:

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Figure 4: My explanatory attempt why some people do not get what they wish for.

Many people do not realize that they don’t really believe in what they are doing. Once you begin to question your beliefs, it makes it impossible to realize / manifest them.

Thanks to the “Schrödinger’s cat”, we know that the observer of an experiment (here our smiley, which observes himself) will inevitably influence the outcome.

So, our smiley reads, for example, an article stating that wheat pizza has a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract, that it contains gluten and that the ham in the pizza entails the suffering of animals killed in conventional farming etc

Our smiley loses his smile right away because he now believes (because of new information or beliefs) that the pizza is a dietary “antichrist“. He has now replaced old beliefs with new ones, still, the process takes place in the same fashion, just now according to new ideas that have replaced the old ones…

Biophotons and “light water” 

Dr. rer. nat. Michael König investigated the effect free electron concentration on subjects (as regards the biophoton concentration in the human organism) of so-called “light water” from Aquion®.

The subjects had to drink three glasses (200 ml each) of water. The first glass was conventional tap water, glass two was ionized “active water” from an electronic water ionizer (also Aquion®), and the third glass contained ionized water (same device), which was, inaddition, enriched with modulated infrared light.

In order to determine the effect the different water types had on the organism, three different measurements were carried out on 10 subjects with a so-called “photon diagnosis system”.

Photon diagnosis and Krilian photography

This “diagnostic tool” analyzed the distribution of electric charge carriers, electrons in particular, as measured on the skin surface (especially on the toes and finger tips). This method is based on the so-called “Krilianphotography” (procedure for measuring elcetric charges).

Photon diagnostic systems – such as those described – are used by physicians and non-medical practitioners in alternative medicine to assess a treatment with before and after measurements.

Biophotons boost by the “right” water? 

The number of subjects in this study of Dr. King was only 10 people, which is probably the reason why the skeptics are now speaking up and one could immediately counter that this number is much too small to make a representative statement.

Dr King’s study only examined 10 people, which is probably the reason why the skeptics are so loud and claim that the number is much too small to be representative.

Objections appart, it was found that the photon radiation increased by 8% after drinking ionized water and by an average of 21.6% after drinking of modulated “light water” (+ ionization) (see graph).

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Figure 5: Own presentation, based on source: expert opinion Dr. König, from 16.5.2016, 􏰀 page 7.

Why you can’t find “free-range” eggs during winter!

Beliefs hold such an important part in our lives, since we are often deceived as consumers. Perhaps the word “deception” is also incorrect, and manipulation would describe it better.

However, manipulation is by no means negatively connoted, it merely shows that we are easily influenced, and beliefs easily implanted in our brains. For instance when I tell you not to think of a pink elephant, the image of a pink elephant will immediately appear in your head, not the image of an armadillo! So, I’ve been manipulating you …

Example: the egg purchase:

In his book “Die Botschaft der Nahrung”, Fritz-Albert Popp gives a report, among other things, about the biophoton concentration of several egg grades. He aimed at clarifying whether “free-range” eggs emit more biophotons or if there is any difference with caged eggs.


Throughout numerous studies, the eggs of 325 brown laying hens were examined in a large trial in cooperation with the Institute for Small Animal Breeding of the Bundesforschungsanstalt in Celle by Barbara Köhler.

This study concluded that:

1.    Free-range eggs emit more Biophotons than caged eggs.#

2.  The differences (between cage and free-range) show the higher structure state of free range eggs. (According to Schrödinger’s principle)

If you are interested in reading the exact experiment setup with all data and facts, you can check Popp’s 1999 book, p. 72 f. For doubters, he pointed out there as well that a similar experiment that was carried out in Switzerland, also concluded that the free-range eggs emitted much more biophotons than caged eggs.[3] Fritz-Albert Popp also emphasizes:

„Der Leser möge sich beispielsweise überlegen, dass es im Winter bei sehr niedrigen Temperaturen trotzt reichhaltigen Angebots Freilandeier gar nicht geben kann! Welche Henne geht schon freiwillig in den Schnee?“

 In English:

“The reader may, for example, consider that in winter, at very low temperatures, despite the numerous claims there cannot be such a thing as free range eggs! Which hen is going voluntarily into the snow? “[4]

Conclusion – ordo et claritas 


Phew, this was the longest and most complex article on my blog so far, let’s take a quick look at all the information that in-formed us 😉

I would like to emphasize that I’m not in any way trying to present a dogmatic view. Nor am I saying that all prevalent dietary teachings are wrong and that my perspective is the only correct one.

It is not a matter of being “right”, but simply sharing my reflections and encouraging the reader to make his own critical review. Ultimately, all our actions – whether conscious or subconscious – are based on beliefs. Is it at all possible to hold no belief?

Because if I believe in nothing or that this article here for example is just nonsense, then I am also holding a belief ;). Someone who holds a belief cannot really proveanything, right? 😉

Are all our nutritional strategies – from advocates of pure products of sun exposure to the fast-food-bashers out there – to a large extent, perhaps only based upon beliefs?

Biophotons are nevertheless a fascinating topic, and if it is possible to „better“ the structural state of our cells, then this should also bring a performance increase in the gym, right? The Latin term “ordo et claritas” (structure and brightness) is probably awell known term.

According to my previous researches on the subject of biophotons, I wonder howeverwhether it should be called “ordo a claritas” (structure by brightness) …

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[1]Vgl. Vgl. Popp (1999).

[2]Vgl. Popp, „Die Botschaft der Nahrung“, S. 55.

[3]Vgl. Popp (1999), S. 80.

[4]Vgl. Popp (1999), S. 80.

The cause of pain inside and outside the elbow comes normally from a too strong or wrong mechanical strain caused by strength training or other sports that require repetitive patterns of movement.

These are classical physical problems in relation with tennis or golf, however, they are also present whenever you have a continual strain on your sinews and muscles of your elbow joint.

According to the respective sports certain patterns of activity are necessary and consequently cause different signs of wear and tear on the joints.

In this article you will receive information on what causes a tennis and golfer’s elbow (elbow problems or lifter’s elbow) and in what way they may result from strength training.

You will also obtain information on how to prevent these problems/complaints and how to „eliminate“ them.

A german version of this article can be found here.

The tennis elbow

According to the respective literature a tennis elbow is an epicondylitis humeri radialis. It is a painful irritation oft the tendon attachments of the muscles of the forearm. A tennis elbow generally generates the following problems:

  •  The outer side oft he elbow hurts; frequently in direction towards the wrist;
  • The pain can also be felt when there is pressure on it;
  • When clenching the fist pain may occur;
  • When grasping physical objects you feel pain;
  • There may be pain when the wrist is extended;

The „the golfer’s elbow“

Depending on the respective literature a „golf arm“ is an Epicondylitis humeri ulnaris. The main difference between a tennis arm and a golfer’s arm consist in the fact that the pains are felt on the inside of the elbow.

Both inflammations actually have almost the same name. Only the last word differs. Epicondylitis humeri RADIALIS („tennis arm“) vs. epicondylitis humeri ULNARIS (golfer’s elbow).  

A complicated topic explained in a simple way

In the anatomy radialis means „in relation to the spoke“. Your forearm consists of two bones, ulna and radius (spoke bone and ell bone). Therefore ulnaris means = „with regard to the ell“.

It is easy to distinguish a tennis elbow from a golfer’s elbow from where the pain is: on the inside or on the outside oft he elbow. Comparing both we must say that the tennis elbow is much more frequent that a golfer’s elbow.

Why round is better than straight

Strength training can produce pain on the elbow as well as on the wrist due to the use of barbells as their grips are supinated. And this effect is often intensified by an additional increase in weight.

If you want to refresh your knowledge as far as the position (grip) at he handle is concerned then you may read my article: Gym-Deutsch; Deutsch-Gym Teil I.

You may also reduce the strength of your neuromuscular system by bending your wrists. If you are not in a position to grasp the barbell with one fist, the result is that there is more mechanical weight on your joints.

As far as your arms are concerned this would be the elbows and your shoulder joint. Generally the bar grips are straight and you don’t have the possibility to grasp them with your fist. However, there is a  simple but ingenious solution: the GLOBE GRIPZ.

GLOBE GRIPZ – the ultimate workout tool?


Globe Gripz and Globe Gripz Venus by Gym Professor.

If you happen to read my blog regularly, then you will certainly know what FAT GRIPZ and FAT GRIPZ EXTREME are.

Both are grip attachments for barbells made of rubber which considerably increase the diameter oft he bar. This results in an increased recruitment of muscle fibres.

If you are not familiar with the FAT GRIPZ  you may inform yourself about it and other useful training tools in my article  Wie du – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes – Schwäche einfach „in den Griff“ bekommst. (How to overcome weakness).

There is a problem with Fat Grips. They are not round. For fist grip, however, you need round grips. The GLOBE GRIPS provide you with an ingenious solution as you can use them with any normal bar or rope. With a diameter of 73 mm the blue GG have the size of a tennis ball. The smaller pink ones have a diameter of 63 mm and fit especially for smaller hands.


Different sizes of the regular (blue) Globe Gripz and the smaller pink (Venus) ones. Attached to a ATX Bulls Bearing Bar.

Training with the Globe Gripz provide the following advantages:

  •  They reduce mechanical weights when lifting
  •  Provide variation when training and result in constant progress
  •  A better distribution of the load in your hand
  • Improvement of your grip strength
  • They are a specific training (e.g.: „pitching-grip“) at sports
  • There is an extra size for ladies

Get yours under:

The inventor oft he Globe Gripz is Matt „Gym Professor“ Bembridge from England. Matt also invented the Deadlift Deadener. The Deadlift Deadener is an ingenious training tool which you may use when deadlifting.


Example for the use of Globe Gripz, classical supinated Bizeps Curls. With the GG you can reduce the mechanical stress on your wrists and Elbows. Furthermore you can recruit more muscle fibers in your forearms and develop a crushing grip.

You may get more information on the Deadlift Deadener in my article: DEADLIFT DEADENER – Die clevere Art des Kreuzhebens  or in our shop:

An advice which you may put into practice at once

If you suffer from tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow you may do something to improve your situation by changing your grip positions from pronated and supinated to neutral. Instructions as far as all angular positions are concerned can be found here (german).

So you may change from a classical barbell bench pressing to a bench pressing with a camber- or football bar. If your studio is not equipped with such bars, then choose a neutral short bar bench pressing with an angle of 42° (torso – elbow).

This also applies to behind the neck pressing in a standing / sitting position. If you have, however, a Power Rack  then you could – for a change – use a hex bar when neck pressing.


Globe Gripz can be attached to nearly every Bar or Grip, like this standard Cable Cross Gripp.


The most important thing when training is that one does not get hurt; that means training according to the motto: “I will kill myself” is definitely the wrong attitude. So it is always important to keep in mind that one should be training to become better and improve.

This, however, can’t be at the expenses of health. One should also always remember not to wear and tear your muscles, sinews and bones. Tennis elbows and golfer’s elbows are frequent with people who „take to the iron“.

As to stop training is no option I do recommend to integrate Globe Gripz into your training as they solve various problems at the same time. They may relieve problems with your wrist/elbow joint with the help of an ergonomic (round grip) and with the help of an enlarged cross section you may recruit more muscle fibers and increase your grip strength.


What is your favorite grip position?

Do you change you grip position and exercises regularly?

Leave us a comment.  

World record holder and England’s strongest man, Eddie Hall, swears this training equipment to be a genial invention.
Improve your performance and at the same time protect your training equipment with the Deadlift Deadener.

The Deadlift Deadener ist as simple as it is genial. In this article you get information on how you profit using it and how you improve your technique considerably.

Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle an Matt Bembridge von Gym Professor, der das BSPT-Studio mit Deadlift Deadener™ 500 (Strongman Ausführung) ausgestattet hat.

Thanks to Matt Bembridge from Gym Professor for equipping the BSPT-Gym with  Deadlift Deadener™ 500 (Strongman Edition). Looking forward to seeing you soon!

A german version of this article can be found here. Eine deutsche Version dieses Artikels, findest du hier.

FIBO 2016, mit Matt "Gym Professor" Beibringe und Marvin Jeunessen von "Fitness Seller". Im Bild die Sumo Bar von ATX und die Deadlift Deadener 500.

FIBO 2016, with Matt “Gym Professor” Bembridge (left). On the picture, the Sumo Deadlift Bar from ATX and the Deadlift Deadener™ 500.

Deadlifting, strength and kgs

Of course, my colleague Matt „Gym Professor“ Bembridge must be honored here for his invention: the Deadlift Deadener. He is also the inventor oft he genial GLOBE GRIPZ !


Deadlift Deadener™ 500, with the Hex Bar PRO and ATX® HQ-Rubber Bumper Color Plates.

The life time of your training equipments will be increased

Because of the massively enlarged surface of impact of the weight plates, the life time oft he gym equipment will be prolonged considerably. With the Deadlift Deadener not only the weight plates will be protected, but the weightlifting bar will be protected as well.

The impact will take place on a larger surface and the rubber oft he Deadlift Deadener absorbs large part of this impact. This prevents the bars and plates from being deformed.

The deadlift Deadeners protect the gym floor

The Deadlift Deadeners™ consist of hard rubber which protects weight plates and weightlifting bars.  They also protect the gym floor in commercial studios and in your own private home studio.


The Deadlift Deadener reduces the noise level

You have certainly once been told at a fitness center/gym that you are too loud while training due to the loud shouts which result from lifting heavy loads as well as from the noise that the bars cause when falling  down (even when they’re lowered carefully).

Many people who train in gyms feel disturbed by such noise levels and so one tends to find a solution for the problem. Often some gym mats are used in order to solve the problem. They are, however,  a mediocre solution to the problem.

Using the  Deadlift Deadener the shouting problem will not be reduced. The impact noise and the noise level, however, will be reduced considerably.


More security and an optimized technique

With the help oft he Deadlift Deadener another annoying problem can be solved:  the bar cannot roll uncontrolled.

When deadlifting we often experience the difficulty that the bar (barbell, hexbar, trapbar etc.) with the weights rolls about uncontrolled.

You might fall over it and hurt yourself, and it may occur the bar is not in the correct position whenever one is about to lift it.

Frequently the floor isn’t totally even and consequently the result is that one applies a technique that isn’t totally correct. This may lead to muscle dysbalances and – in the worst case – to injuries.

Here the Deadlift Deadeners help to solve the problems as well. Because of their semicircular form they are slightly lowered when the weight is lowered.

So the weight plates are enclosed and a rolling about is prevented. The ground is also even as both Deadlift Deadener have the same height.


Saving space, portable and an affordable price

What makes the Deadlift Deadener even more interesting is his size. There are two options as far as the size is concerned. There ist the normal Deadlift Deadener wit a width of 250mm and there ist he „Strongman“ Deadlift Deadener (see photos) wit a width of 500mm. Both Deadlift Deadeners have a hight of 100mm.

To equip a gym or just some part of it with a floor suitable for free weights is generally rather expensive so that the Deadlift Deadener is an excellent alternative especially for a home gym.

When setting up an own home gyn you should take into account several things which you can check in my article Home Sweet Home Gym.

Furthermore, the Deadlift Deadeners are also extremely space saving and they require – compared to other platforms – very little space.


Where can you get the Deadlift Deadener?

You may order both Deadlift Deadener versions on my Shop:

You can get the normal version for only 140.-  EUR and the larger 500 version (Strongman Edition) for just 21o.-EUR. (Both including 35 EUR for packing and shipping direclty from England (UK)

I do recommend you – no matter whatever version you choose – this equipment. You will be able to optimize with it your deadlifting and simultaneously protect your equipment.


In the fitness industry we find many „innovations“ that actually come and go . It is definitely difficult to have a real overview or to be in a position to choose between useful things, i.e. the best return on investment and the rest which might only be a waste of money.

The Deadlift Deadeners are a very simple but extremely useful invention and solve various problems at the same time. With just 175 EUR (excluding packing and shipping) for a Strongman Edition you acquire a really best return on investment as far as your training is concerned.

Apart from the classical  deadlifting you can also use the Deadlift Deadener for numerous other exercises such as log bar lifts or pinch grips etc.

—> Get your Deadlift Deadeners, now. <—

You find more about the Log Bar and its advantages in my article:
Log Bar Training – a minimalistic instruction to become stronger.

You find more about Pinch Grips and forearm training in my article:

How to really overcome weakness.

In case you’d like to test the Deadlift Deadener, we invite you to come to the BSPT-Studio in the course of our seminars.

You might then be thrilled by further innovative training devices, weight bars and other unique tools and techniques such as the BAMBOO BENCH®.

Overcome training plateaus and raise your training to new levels. Register for one of our one-day practice-based seminars at:

You cannot climb out of bed in the morning and in the afternoon you get hit by an incredible fatique?

Even a ton of coffee does not really help you?

Try this strange trick, in order to stay fit and powerful all day long. It is plain and simple! All you need are three simple ingredients and one of them is a glass of ordinary water!

(Dieser Artikel ist auch auf deutsch verfügbar: )

Do you suffer from Adrenal Fatique?

Your adrenal glands are two so-called endocrine hormone glands which set their “product” directly inwards, into the bloodstream.

They are located on the kidneys. Once you find yourself in a stressful situation your adrenal glands produce adrenaline /epinephrine, norepinephrine and the stress hormone cortisol.

This hormone is better known as “Fight or Flight” mechanism. This is a holdover from the Stone Age, in which you had to decide very quickly in stressful situations, whether you flight or fight (probably futile) against  a saber-toothed tiger or something else.

Your body was and still is designed to deal with short-term stress. If your stress (whether physical or mental)  never really ends, lots of problems will occur!

It’s just like a frog being put into a pot and every hour the temperature is raised by 2 °. The frog will not notice anything, until it is eventually cooked.

According to that you can consider yourself being the frog. Drawn into a slow process of continuous stress,  (subjectively probably even considered as not very stressful at all) perhaps even considered as normal.

Just the way a modern life is meant to be. This slow but steady long-term stress might slowly put you down.

How exactly this mechanism works and how coffee might affect it, you can read in more detail in this article:

Here is a list of six common problems and possible symptoms of weakened adrenal glands:

  • You feel totally down every morning and need masses of caffeine to get into gear?
  • You feel yourself often burned out or overstrained?
  • You cannot fall asleep and you wake up several times?
  • You are strangely moody, especially emotional and / or often frustrated?
  • You often suffer from fatigue (especially in the afternoon and between 3 and 5 p.m.)
  • You get sick very quick and stay ill very long?

If you have at least one of these questions answered with yes, then you might also suffer from weakened adrenals (adrenal fatigue).

To prevent this symptoms and to support your adrenal health, I recommend the following to you.

Drink salt water with lime juice

Strange? Maybe, but definitely effective!

So, first thing in the morning, after getting up have a glass of water (0.33l) with freshly squeezed lime juice and a quarter of a teaspoon of Himalayan salt! (Every other colored salt will work as well).

Three ingredients with positive properties:

  • Optimize your acid-base balance
  • Regenerate your adrenal glands
  • Increase your energy levels
  • Fight “Adrenal Fatigue”

Why a lime might make you happy

In German there’s a proverb: “Sauer macht lustig” Which literally translated means: “ Sour makes you happy”

But in fact it isn’t very funny for your body being in an acid state for too long.

Why a balanced acid-base balance is important for your health you can read in this article:

http: //

The fantastic thing about limes or lemons is, that they taste very sour, but their pH-Value is alkaline!

Here are 6 positive properties of limes / lemons:

  • Clean your blood
  • Clean you liver and your kidneys
  • Support you with vitamin C to strengthen your immune system
  • Support you with Calcium, Phosphor and important B-vitamins
  • Might help with digestion and pyrosis
  • Might palliate flatulence, diarrhea and blockage

You can give half a lime in your salt- Himalaya-water. The other half can easily stored in the refrigerator (even up to two weeks!) After that it will loose its flavor.

If you do not buy individually packaged lime then make sure that no mold has formed under the plastic package!

Pay attention to the 4 or 5 small lines emerging from the stipe. The higher the number of lines, the higher the mineral content of the fruit.

Special thanks at this point to my Strength Coach, Wolfgang Unsöld from  Your Personal Strength Institute, Stuttgart, who has given me the positive benefits of lime juice and Himalayan Salt in the morning. Each of his clients gets this special drink, no exception!

Why your salt should have a color

Colors make everything  more beautiful and much more healthy!

From now on only use colored salt variations. It does not have to be Himalayan Salt all the time.

Here are 7 of the healthiest and most delicious types of salt and its colors:

  • Himalaya Salt
  • Black Hawaiian Sea Salt, enriched with active coal
  • Green Bamboo Hawaiian Sea Salt
  • Alaea Red Hawaiian Sea Salt
  • Persian Blue Salt
  • Viking Smoked Salt
  • Australian Murray River Salt

Stay away from ordinary cooking salt (Sodium Chloride). You should also get rid of “good” ingredients such as iodine or fluoride in your salt! At least if you want to keep a clear mind.

Why this might be useful and why you should descale your brain you will learn in this article:

Just buy a good and cheap Himalayan salt. If you like it a bit more exotic, I recommend practical small portion sizes, from Hawaii. Incredible taste by all three of them!

 Why (colored) salt is healthy

Probably you’re asking yourself one question while reading this article: “ Wait a second, isn’t it unhealthy to consume a lot of salt ?”

Well, it is! But only if you stick to industrial proceeded salt (with additives)!

Natural, colored salt is very healthy and even relieves your adrenal glands by fighting “Adrenal Fatigue”.

With your adrenal glands being overstrained and “burned out” all the time it’s hard for them to produce a sufficient amount of aldosterone!

So if your aldosterone level drops, you may also have your sodium blood level lowered and salt is excreted  through your urine.

In order to compensate or prevent this loss it is beneficial to have a quarter teaspoon of colored salt in a glass of water enriched by freshly squeezed lime juice! Just the right thing if your cortisol and sodium levels are low.

At this point you should notice that the body doesn’t always require a high cortisol level! The most beneficial time for a high cortiso level is in the morning and right before/during you workout (up to approximately a one hour workout routine).

A permanent increase in cortisol level may in fact have a negative effect on your muscle growth!

Drink your “lime salt water” only in the morning. Timing is everything. And more is not always better!

You are what you eat or: Can you eat stress?

Do you suffer from Adrenal Fatigue and may already be under constant stress?

Then you might want to have a look at your eating habits and avoid what might increase your stress levels.

To be durably fit, I recommend in addition to lime salt water the following:

No Sugar

One of the urban myths par excellence which unfortunately still too often sticks in the minds of many people is that sugar (such as, Dex … energy ….) increases your mental efficiency!

There is a direct interaction of low blood sugar level and Adrenal Fatigue:

When simple sugars will in fact almost immediately be absorbed by your body and increase your attention span explosively, it will go down after about 20 minutes just as quickly as it rose up and you will be more down than before!

This process is very stressful for your adrenal glands and therefore you should avoid consuming simple sugars in order to increase your cognitive abilities!

How and when you can use simple sugars usefully, especially maltodextrin, you can find out in this article:

No alcohol

Alcohol is basically a true muscle toxin!

Avoid drinking alcohol and don’t get fooled by studies*, which want to tell you that a glass of red wine a day can replace physical training. Come on, don’t be ridiculous! You would need about 1300 glasses of red wine a day !!!

*Here’s the study: Improvements in skeletal muscle strength and cardiac function induced by resveratrol During exercise workout Contribute to enhanced exercise performance in rats.

Link (in english): [1]

In this article, there is a nice and simple analysis of why this is nonsense. [2]

Red wine may be healthy, but it will not work miracles! At this point I would like to point out that you should always question all studies!

Don’t start drinking in order to be cool or for relaxation! This will only lead to further adrenal fatigue. In addition to that  you will get dehydrated by the alcohol and your B-vitamins are flooded out from the body.

Last but not least your testosterone levels decrease by alcohol consumption and you will get 7 kcal of energy from 1g of alcohol!

Less Coffee

If you go for coffee, get a freshly ground coffee, of which you you know where it comes from and what’s really inside.

Here again goes the old saying of Paracelsus: “The dosage makes the poison.”

 I would recommend two cups a day! Preferably early in the morning and before your workout.

By the way, the most expensive coffee in the world is the “cat coffee” called “Kopi Luwak”, which is secreted by a somalian cat after it ate the beans. Did you know that?

Birds of a feather flock together

Bums with bums, managers with managers, strength athletes with strength athletes, etc. Birds of a feather flock together!

You get automatically attracted by people with common interests. Surely you have realized that some people are within your way of thinking and others are totally not!

But this doesn’t mean that a way of thinking is always a positive one. Nowadays it’s common to be surrounded by people who put you down or you are forced to surround yourself with negative individuals.

In German ther’s a proverb: „Wes Brot ich ess, des Lied ich sing“. Literally translated this means: I’ll sing the song of the man who gives me bread”! Which means it might often be the case that you’re forced to spend time with negative people, for example during work etc.

But in the end you do have a a choice with whom you surround yourself! So get rid of people who spit their poisoned venom by telling you negative things and tearing you down to their level.

Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up and give you strength!

Even if your circle of “friends” may be shrinking by such eliminations in its size, it will only gain quality!


Boost your energy level with a glass of fresh lime and Himalaya Salt in the morning to cure or prevent adrenal fatigue.

Stay away from ordinary cooking salt, especially with additives like fluoride and iodine!

Use only naturally colored salt for your kickstart drink in the morning, as well as for your meals.

Surround yourself with positive people and an anabolic environment!

Lift heavy, but smart!

If you need more information about this or other topics, and / or want to be coached, then just send an email to: or click the button.




[1] J Physiol. 2012 Jun 1;590(Pt 11):2783-99. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2012.230490. Epub 2012 Apr 2.

Improvements in skeletal muscle strength and cardiac function induced by resveratrol during exercise training contribute to enhanced exercise performance in rats.

[2] Can drinking wine really replace exercise? Posted by KamalPatel on Jan 30, 2015

More useful links:






Vielen Dank an alle Besucher meiner Website! Ich freue mich darauf euch auch in 2015 wiederzusehen!

Thanks to all the visitors of my website! I’m looking forward to seeing you all again in 2015!


trink nicht so viel Caffee!
Nicht für Kinder ist der Türkentrank,
schwächt die Nerven, macht dich blass und krank.
Sei doch kein Muselmann,
der ihn nicht lassen kann!”

“C-o-f-f-e-e, coffee is not for me,
It’s a drink some people wake up with,
That it makes them nervous is no myth,
Slaves to a coffee cup, they can’t give coffee up.”

So lautet ein altes Kinderlied von Karl Gottlieb Hering. Heute wohl eher als politisch unkorrekt angesehen 😉 Nichts desto trotz schildert es kurz und prägnant, warum Kinder keinen Kaffee trinken sollten. Dies gilt aber ebenso für Erwachsene!
Warum dies so ist und welche negativen Auswirkungen ein exzessiver Kaffekonsum mit sich bringen kann, erfahren Sie in den nachfolgenden Bildern. Hier wird Ernährung einfach erklärt, vom “Po-Mann” . Viel Spaß beim Betrachten!

Warum kein Kaffee Teil 1

Warum kein Kaffee Teil 2

Warum kein Kaffee Teil 3

Fazit zu Kaffee:

Letzten Endes gilt auch bei Kaffe, dass die Dosis das Gift bestimmt! Also ist es auch hier ein Unterschied ob Sie einen Kaffe beispielsweise vor Ihrem Training trinken (für mehr Cortisol, welches beim Training benötigt wird) oder jeden Tag 20 Tassen benötigen, um überhaupt halbwegs durch den Tag zu kommen!

Welche Alternativen gibt es?

Es besteht die natürlich die Möglichkeit auf Getreidekaffee auszuweichen. Versuchen Sie es doch aber mal mit LUPINENKAFFEE.Dieser wird wie der Name schon sagt aus Lupinen gewonnen. Lupinenmehl ist sehr basisch, enthält alle essentielle Aminosäuren und ist auch noch glutenfrei!

Ich habe bis dato nur dieses Produkt getestet und für gut befunden. Ist aber wohl wie bei allem, eine persönliche Geschmacksfrage.