Ambronite, just another “wonder shake scam”? Think of the following scenario: Is “being too busy “ a good excuse to skip breakfast? For me, definitely not! Even though I’m not a morning person, I never have to skip breakfast, even if I wake up 5 minutes before I have to leave the house. With quality natural meal replacement (or to be precise: a complete plant-based meal shake), I can have breakfast in just 2 minutes! That’s where ambronite “kicks” in. Of course I would never recommend to start your day in a hurry, but we all know that it might happen from time to time. If you then don’t want to skip breakfast, you might give a quality meal replacement like ambronite a try!
If you want to give Ambronite a try, you can use my referral code “BERNDSTOESSLEIN” at checkout to get 25% off of your first purchase. You can also use this link (affiliate link).

What is abronite?
Abronite, so “what actually is that?”, you might ask. I’ve been in contact to abronite’s founder (Simo Souheimo) and he explained it to me like that:
“For the first few years since we started to make Ambronite meal shakes, we constantly got asked “What is this? A protein shake? A smoothie?” And I gotta be honest – if I was to compare the price of our Complete meal shake with a regular protein shake, it would be very expensive.
Luckily, this is not the case. Our meal shakes are not comparable to protein shakes. They are much more than that.Our meal shakes are Full meals. And when you compare the price of Ambronite meal shake to a normal full meal – containing a protein source (meat, fish, tofu, etc.), energy source (rice, potatoes, pasta, etc.), and a salad/vegetables + drink – the price suddenly becomes much more reasonable. Besides, regarding nutrition, our meal shakes beat those normal full meals hands down – only homemade plant-based meals with full rainbow colors stand a chance” (Simo Souheimo, 2019).
So that’s Simo’s answer to the question “What is this?”
Another common question concerning meal replacement products, I always consider, is: “Why should I be interested in this?”
My simple answers are:
– If I’m at times too busy / lazy to take the time to make a healthy meal (usually during travel) but wish I could => a meal shake would provide that exactly in just 1 minute. I do work as a Personal-Trainer/Strength Coach and a “Heilpraktiker” (complementary and alternative medicine practitioner).
So, I also travel around Germany, usually by car. Eating in the car is always an issue and it’s almost impossible to find quality food at the gas station! So, ambronite meal replacement gives me a “cutting edge”. I do like it, as it is quality food without artificial flavors or ingrediencies.
– If I like to drop a couple of kilos of
fat without going on a strict and stressful diet => in many cases this
has worked when enjoying meal shakes for breakfast and lunch for a limited time
of let’s say 2-3 weeks.
– If I have bloating or gut issues after
meals (rarely the case but occasionally might happen) => quality
meal shakes have often fixed those issues for me.
- If I have to go to gym straight after being on the road, a quality meal replacement like ambronite makes things more easy. I just take an ambronite meal shake half an hour before the gym and I’m fueled to “kick ass” at the gym.
Hooked to fast food? Stick to K.I.S.S.
I’m hooked to fast food as well – not junk food but actually healthy fast food!
Of course I’m not talking about shoving down shitty stuff like pizza and burger, especially when you’re in a hurry! I’m always talking about quality (fast) food!
So, to get this straight, I’d like to emphasize that I’m NOT telling you to replace all your solid meals by drinking shakes all day long! You probably won’t thrive on such a diet for a long time!
But – as I mentioned above – from time to time there is no time for a quality solid meal intake.
That’s where I see the benefit of a quality meal replacement like ambronite. But, for me, it must always be a 100% natural meal replacement that fulfills daily nutritional bases and, from my perspective, also must taste delicious.
For me thinking out of the box and questioning everything has always been helpful! So, if you won’t skip a meal and rather have a second best alternative to eating nothing, I go for a quality meal replacement, like ambronite.
In the end , we all have a life to live which might be stressful from now and then, so the gym, nutrition and everything else just has to “fit in”. Therefore stick to K.I.S.S.!

No, I’m not talking about listening the famous rock band, I’m talking about the acronym for “Keep It Short and Simple” (K.I.S.S.). If life is getting stressful, don’t fall for it, search for a convenient solution.
Again, I clearly do not recommend replacing solid meals in order to achieve weight loss or whatsoever. This might work for 2-3 weeks and you can give it a try but always bear in mind, that it’s more about having another useful “tool” in your “nutrition toolbox”.
You then pull it out if necessary and when it has to be convenient. Just like a “McGyver-Solution” (famous 80s TV-Show, for those of you who don’t know. And yes, I know there’s a remake, but…yeah, you know…remakes are always crap).
“If you only use a hammer, everything will look like a nail”! Be versatile in your nutritional behavior and always go prepared!
Why quality food matters
Why did you stop believing that you are a superhero? You are not that different from those heroes we all idolize. Sure, you might not have been born with superhuman powers, but what you have is the power of transformation. You have the power to make good decisions, and fight off bad ones. Anyone can be a superhero – with conscious choices.
Transform yourself to the best version of you with pure and premium, natural energy. Chug it first thing as a healthy breakfast to fuel a long day at the office, whip it up for a post work-out infusion of optimized nutrition, or have it

as a fresh meal on-the-go. Whatever your battle is, knock out the enemy, anytime. This is the revelation of food – a power-kick that keeps you focused, strong and ready for life.
You are defined by your actions, so make sure you’re doing the right ones. Choose to become a savage in a world of weakness. If you are on the go or short in time and still want to eat well, then don’t fall for crappy fast food. Go for a real complete meal shake instead, like ambronite.
My favorite ambronite
I’ve tested all ambronite products so far and my favorite are their “greens”. I use them in the morning to just “get in my greens”. Again, it’s not about living a life only with supplements, but it’s about getting sufficient amounts of food-based vitamins and minerals.
The soil isn’t what it used to be and it’s probably getting harder and harder to get in all those vitamins and minerals you need, especially when you’re also working out in the gym.
So, as the name says, “supplements” are there to supply you, to give you a little extra here and there. Make sure you eat a quality-based diet according to your needs. But if you go for greens in form of supplements also seek a quality brand. I gave ambronite a try and they didn’t disappoint me
Edit: right at the moment I’m looking forward to the all new “keto meal shake“. I’ll give you my brutal honest feedback on this as well. Stay tuned for updates!

Ambronite, my Conclusion
Ambronite’s company
statement is: “[…]to transform humans and our planet from
surviving to thriving, through a sustainable plant-based lifestyle.
We are helping urban professionals to live their life to the fullest by
creating delicious, plant-based foods designed for modern lifestyle.”
(ambronite, 2019).
I’ve been using these plant-based products from Finnland for quite a while now. According to my expertise they are worth the investment. Sure, they might be a bit more expensive in comparison but it’s like always, you get what you pay for!

Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, you can easily integrate these plant based products into your diet. No matter if you’re on the go, on the road or short of time.
Sometimes food simply has to be fast, but it doesn’t have to be crappy! I recommend to always go prepared. It’s simple and it’s easy! Just store some drinkable supermeals in your car and your’re good to go.
Don’t fall for fast food which – by all means – won’t be beneficial for your health! Better give a good fast food a try!
It’s like always, you fall down to level of your preparation. So, in the end I do always recommend “No brain, no gain”. Get prepared and go prepared. It’s all up to you.
© HP Bernd Stößlein, Master of Business Administration in Sportmanagement.
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